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No wanted level as Michael gltich


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I was playing the mission Friend Request and came across a glitch where I can do whatever I please without a wanted level.


Here's how it works:


1) Go to Suburban after leaving seeing Lester.

2) Buy your new outfit (required for the mission).

3) Walk outside and do something to obtain a wanted level.


If it doesn't appear then you'll know it's worked. I've tried this on multiple consoles/discs and it's worked every time. No guarantees though.


Footage below. It's not great but you get the point.




Has this happened to anyone else?

Edited by ColePhelps27
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Thanks, rockstar, for making it so I can't use invincibility on missions. Thanks so much. Now that there's a glitch that removes the annoying ass cops but it's during a mission.


"Oh people might have cheated though."


Tough f*ckin' tits. They bought the game, they play it their way. Achievements and medals are blocked anyways, so there's no real issue there.

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Aren't there quite a few missions where due to the objectives, wanted levels would be disabled during it to suit the style of the mission? I know this is definitley the case for sh*tloads of missions on GTAO for obvious reasons, I bet if we had a look we could find quite a few in single player that offered this.

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I just wanna wear the cop uniform with no wanted level is that so much to ask

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I just wanna wear the cop uniform with no wanted level is that so much to ask

Now store and customize cop car. We can be cops!



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