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Looking for a ocelot Jackal car


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Since like no one visits the car request thread i just wanted to double my chances. anyways am looking for an ocelot jackal car. I don't care what it has on it i just want to make the car a personal vehicle because rockstar destroyed my original and i cant get it back. Thanks for your help.

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It would be helpful if you specified the system you played on? I never look at the request thread, I don't know if anyone who actually can bring cars online does. IN REALITY... ANYONE can bring one on, find it in SP, make sure you spawn location for online is set to last location at either beekers garage or trevors mod shop, drive the jackal to there in sp, and bring it into online using the SP2MP method that literally a monkey could do and BAM, theres your car, i'm not trying to be rude either, i'm just saying, its SOOOOOO easy, especially since all you want is a jackal. I could understand if you wanted something really rare or something, but that car is everywhere.

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It would be helpful if you specified the system you played on? I never look at the request thread, I don't know if anyone who actually can bring cars online does. IN REALITY... ANYONE can bring one on, find it in SP, make sure you spawn location for online is set to last location at either beekers garage or trevors mod shop, drive the jackal to there in sp, and bring it into online using the SP2MP method that literally a monkey could do and BAM, theres your car, i'm not trying to be rude either, i'm just saying, its SOOOOOO easy, especially since all you want is a jackal. I could understand if you wanted something really rare or something, but that car is everywhere.

It was patched

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It would be helpful if you specified the system you played on? I never look at the request thread, I don't know if anyone who actually can bring cars online does. IN REALITY... ANYONE can bring one on, find it in SP, make sure you spawn location for online is set to last location at either beekers garage or trevors mod shop, drive the jackal to there in sp, and bring it into online using the SP2MP method that literally a monkey could do and BAM, theres your car, i'm not trying to be rude either, i'm just saying, its SOOOOOO easy, especially since all you want is a jackal. I could understand if you wanted something really rare or something, but that car is everywhere.

It was patched


LOL WHEN!? I bring cars online ALL THE TIME, I just brought a chrome tank on at like 3am this morning, its not patched, and if you can't comprehend how to do it, considering its so easy, idk what to tell you. But don't lie to me and tell me its patched, if I get on right now and find out its not patched (because its not) i'm never helping anyone again lmao.

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