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Mountain Cloud Club, a different type of crew


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The fact that you clicked on this topic shows you have at least a small interest in leaving the typical Gta Crew atmosphere. With crew tags that say 'Swag' and crews that do nothing for their members, I wouldn't blame you.


I am HomedogJesus (XBL), Leader of Mountain Cloud Club. Let me convince you to join my crew.



Color: Bright Neon Blue

Active: Yes

Open Enrollment

Page: www.socialclub.rockstargames.com/crews/mountain_cloud_club

History: Named after the Yakuza in GTA: San Andreas


First of all, our Crew pride is there. We all are proud to sport our Neon blue crew color and wear our crew emblem without shame. We stick together. When you see another fellow 'WuZi' crew tag, you know you've got an ally. And if a crew member acts vigilant towards you, you message a crew commissioner and the problem is handled.


We actively rank up our members for success in recruiting and fighting other crews, so there is big room for ranking up. I have many people climbing the hierarchy ladder now.


I host crew nights most weekends for members only. We play user created games and just have tons of wierd fun. But the great thing is, It's not only me. Other crew members are serious about our cause and host things like crew nights, and actively write on our MCC Social Club feed to organize car meet ups and crew wars.


We have tons of fun, and are in it for more fun. If you are interested go to our social club page and join. Post on our wall to meet some members and get on your feet. Thanks.

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