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Gumball Rally/Meet Tonight...


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holding a 3 stage gumball rally tonight on PS3 have 15 slots open for racers. the rules for this event are as followed: 1. Must have sports car 2. Must be on ps3 and add TallCanTransplnt 3. If you have a mic thats great if not its okay just put up your name and if you do or do not have a mic. 4. Clean racers only 5. No Quitters 6. NO ACTING A FOOL. the meet and race will be at 9pm central US time. if you dont know what the gumball rally is then check this link out http://youtu.be/QrYW4JyFTOg itll be a good time for all you responsible racers! crews welcome. lets keep it clean and have a good time. if this goes well i will host more mutli-race events and rally races.

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