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'Can only sell vehicles worth up to $50,000'


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So I bought a Jester a couple of weeks ago, modded it up fully and I go to sell it now but it tells me I cant sell it? What do I do? The same thing happened with my Roosevelt, I reported it to rock-star and nothing happened for weeks, I ended up replacing it with a Mesa :/ Do I report the problem again? Or just get rid of it?


Also, when you get out of a bad sport lobby, do you get to keep the dunce cap and wear it in regular lobbies?

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This doesn't happen to me. My Sandking sells for 85k and I've had it since October. Come to think of it I never get any kind of vehicle related bugs. Maybe I'm just lucky? :)

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Did you duplicate it?

No I did not duplicate it, I have never liked those glitches. I think I found the problem of it though, when I bought it it went in the wrong garage slot, so I moved it to the right one and then it happened.

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