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Looking for a crew


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Been around since its inception and used to have a blast with MP3 and a few crews. Finally getting back into online gaming, mainly this one.


I'm very proficient in all aspects of the game. Still trying to learn the ins and outs of GTAO, but have played a couple days and am low to mid 20's rank with a solid feel of the world while having solid mechanics of game play from being extremely active in single player. I am a consummate team player and would like to join a crew that is team oriented (from missions, mainly co-ops, to grinding to helping everyones objectives) or that can simply have fun doing everything the game has to offer without the immaturity.


I do have a mic, but am a bit older (actually, I might be the demographic of average age of gamers in the late 20's to early 30's range as we all grew up but still play), so I am respectful and not annoying or immature as I see some have been in game.


Also, I play fairly frequently, so I can be counted on as well to be around or open to team events, meet ups, or whatever.


I'm not opposed to role play crews. I like the brotherhood and loyalty aspects, but also don't want to feel tied down or obligated as that may take the fun out of it.....I have looked around the Social Club and here for crews and some seem rather strict.


Getting back into online gaming has been fun, I just seem to be behind in getting back into a solid and active crew.


I've been around and have lurked here since the Vice City days, so message me here, psn: alchemist3321, or on the Social Club: alchemist3321


Thanks for looking!

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Shady Bottay

shame your on psn you would love my crew goodluck its so much better with players


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I tried to do as much as possible alone, but have had fun doing the higher missions with higher level people. Made some friends here and there where we worked as a team or just simply enjoyed playing together, but would like a consistent team/crew as that seems to be what thrives and where a lot of people have fun....the co-op stuff is great and we have heists and more team work missions forthcoming.



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Please use the "looking for a gang" thread

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