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"All Mors Mutual operators..."


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"...are on call right now, please try again later."


Seriously, that empty space in my garage has been really bugging me lately. I trashed my Elegy about 2 weeks ago, and I still haven't got it back from Mors Mutual yet. Every time I call them, its the same sh*t phrases all of the time. I just want my car back!


Is this a bug or something?

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Your insurance on the car glitched itself off. It happens at times to many players cars. It is a bug that has said to have been patched by Rockstar. It seems patched for the most part, as it rarely happens to anyone anymore.

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destroy another one of your cars, preferably your cheapest one, and when calling mors tap X or whatever button it is for xbox like crazy


if you do it fast enough, it'll glitch out and bring back your lost car (hopefully)

immediately after you get the confirmation that they'll restore your vehicle, hold select until the quick menu pops up, and request vehicle

it should be the entity, if not, try again and tap x as fast as you possibly can

beware though, when you restore the entity it wont have insurance

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Leave your garage without a PV and then call your mechanic and see if it's in the list, if it is have him deliver it and then take it back to your garage.


If it's not on the list then it's gone I'm afraid, it's a known bug that's been around for a while.

Edited by senormidget
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"...are on call right now, please try again later."


Seriously, that empty space in my garage has been really bugging me lately. I trashed my Elegy about 2 weeks ago, and I still haven't got it back from Mors Mutual yet. Every time I call them, its the same sh*t phrases all of the time. I just want my car back!


Is this a bug or something?

what gets your vehivles back is cash cards.

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Time to Sp>Mp a new one back in and be it has a Kifflom paint job with North Yankton plates.

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  • 8 years later...

So, this is still an issue, I've lost four cars to this stupidity, at least one I can't replace.

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