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cant sell pv?


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I couldn't sell my Turismo because it was worth over 50k, so I decided to sell the Buffalo 2 for 120k instead and it let me. How does that work?

Edited by ChromeTurismo
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Did you rearrange your garage by any chance?


hes right, you duped cars. better glitch some money and rebuy them

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Even if you don't dupe cars to others, once you rearrange your garage, you have to repurchase the insurance on every moved vehicle. Once that's done the coding R* implemented recognizes the car as only a dupe. Even if you bought it, doesn't matter, same thing happened to me when I rearranged everything. But in my case I love my garage, so having to sell anything doesn't concern me. This only applies to supers or high end cars, which is everything from Legendary Motor Sports website.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Even if you don't dupe cars to others, once you rearrange your garage, you have to repurchase the insurance on every moved vehicle. Once that's done the coding R* implemented recognizes the car as only a dupe. Even if you bought it, doesn't matter, same thing happened to me when I rearranged everything. But in my case I love my garage, so having to sell anything doesn't concern me. This only applies to supers or high end cars, which is everything from Legendary Motor Sports website.

all of my cars are insured and i want to sell a 9f cabrio its worth 100k+ what do i do?

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If you sp2mp'd the business update cars when the DLC was available prior to the update, then you can't sell them.

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If you sp2mp'd the business update cars when the DLC was available prior to the update, then you can't sell them.

i didnt do anything its a normal car i bought it i used to dupe would that matter?

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If you duped your own car for personal garage things/money glitches, you cant sell it. If the car was duped for you, you cant sell it. If you buy it from any website/take it from the street, leave it in the original spot in your garage, you can sell it.

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i cant sell my pv cause its over 50k? i thought we were able to sell them


You already sold it once when you duped it.


Its like a reverse mortgage, you got yours. Deal with it.

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