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Purchase new car with full garage?


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My garage is full of cars that I have bought. There is a new car that I'd like to buy, but since my garage is full to capacity, I have to get rid of one car before I can get the new one.

It ask which car I want to replace in order to purchase the new car. Will it give me credit for the value of my old car and apply it to the new car? Am I able to sell the cars I bought at Los Santos?


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no. if u replace the car then u lose it. best bet would be to just sell it at LS Customs

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Drive which ever one you don't want anymore carefully to LSC and sell it, then purchase the new one.

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ditto. Make sure the car you're trying to sell isn't a duplicate.

Edited by Cudwieser
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Sheewww...I'm glad you guys told me that, last night I was about to use the replace option and hope I received credit for the car I was replacing.


I'll take it to Los Santos instead.



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