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What do you do in GTA V Sp now?


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Because I dont want to touch GTA Online ( I dislike it Alot) I just go f*ck around in SP.... Dont know what to do now. I have gotten 100% already. What do you do mostly in GTA V SP?



PS: Can someone give me some tips on some things to do? Thanls

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Today, I had 3 hours of fun, only in SP. You can steal cars like Emperors or Voodoos and make them pimp cars, get a blimp and crash it into the other one, etc.

I had so much fun, I don't even remember :panic:

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michael, trevor and franklin have all started a doobie brothers cover band

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Well.. You don't have to play GTA.. You can always do something else like playing a different game or go outside.


But ontopic:


I just cruise around, shoot random people and all that kind of stuff.

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I have the same problem as you.


All i do is come here to this forum and play in the guess threads, and to be honest, i think its been a month since i played gta at all


Is not a big deal for me. It happens. I also had COD ghosts which i havent played at all for a month. Actually, i havent turned on my PS3 for a month :lol:


So my advice for you is, take a break, do other stuff, your mood for the game will come back eventually and you can play again.

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Rolepay as Michael and Franklin. I very rarely even use weapons nowadays. Instead, I go through the daily routine of my character, and do a few activities eg. a quick bike ride in the morning as Franklin, followed by going to the park to walk chop, then calling Lamar up to go for a drink in the strip club.

Trevor occasionally gets used to go on Spec Ops missions in Zancudo too.


Honestly, it sounds weird, but Roleplay actually is quite fun, provided the game has the right tools for the job. The ability to it would be VERY welcome indeed :L

Edited by SingularSoul
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-I get wanted with the god mode cheat activated

-Exploring around the countryside looking for stuff

-Getting wanted with all three protagonists in the same car

-Finding screenshot locations and compare them

-Bike stunts.

-My new favorite one: Get a bus, go to a big freeway, put the bus in the middle, wait for another bus or a truck and do the same, closing the freeway so the cars get stuck, throw sticky bombs at them, walk away while activating them and doing a cool scene of "Cool guys don't look at explosions". I used to do this in SA too, in the freeway that connects LS with LV.


I don't have 100% either but sometimes I find cool stuff to do.


Here's a video about the explosions on the freeway.



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Detective Phelps

I roleplay as a cop while playing as M or T. Or I just drive around the map. or go hunting as Trevor. I also go to grove street as Franklin, and I kill all of the ballas members there with an LMG.

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I usually do shootouts with cops, gangs. Sometimes i just senselessly drive around. Other times I play golf, tennis or darts.


Waiting for proper sp DLC

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I'm still trying to get to 100% ,I currently have 90%

But when I just want to play for fun, I'm starting a police chase by robbing stores or CVIT VAN

when I get to 3 stars I try to get to the airport to take a plane and escape from the police.


I also often try to explore different areas of the sea floor, and see if there are secret tunnels or something

And sometimes I just enjoy the game and walk and look at the beautiful world of the game

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To be honest nothing. I haven't played that game in a week and every time I think about turning it on I'm recalling there is no really a point. I hope some substantial add-ons will be released sooner than later.

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My favorite thing to do in single player is fly around with the stunt plane.


Step 1: fly under bridges and through tunnels.


Step 2: do step 1 upside down.


Step 3: do steps 1 and 2 in the cinematic camera.

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I like to play Top gun with police/military i put god mode and the we battle in the sky with 996.Its fun

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Lethal Vaccine

Simply 5 star rampages (I am not saying you suck with the police, but most people complain) which will make you better than most people. Better your 5 star times on the Train, Police Riot/Transporter, Lazer, Tank, Attack Chopper, etc.


Just cruise around. Don't save the game, but take all your modded vehicles out and test them, drive the map.


Do some stunts on a Bati. Not the "Stung Jumps" I mean make and find your own stunts...


There is loads to do.

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I'm still playing SP more than likely always will, I always find a different thing to do each time I play it not one time has been the same as the previous game time. It can vary from just normal drives to and from stores, to police chases on the highways.

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Drive around the map endlessly until I get bored and eventually shut off the Xbox. Have roleplayed 100 times already and to be honest that sh*t gets boring too. So I barely ever play GTA V nowadays. hopefully some new DLC will make the game more fun.

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the simplest things like getting in one of my favorite cars (Stinger, Monroe, Carbonizzare) and cruising around the highway. or getting in a plane and trying to land it on a mountain. mountain biking on gordo can be fun too.


For more action, I'll get five stars and try to make it to a train. Trains are automatic escape routes if you ditch them in tunnels. Just getting on a train is hard enough since they all want to run when wanted rather than walking up to it. I've died many times that way. Once you make it on you can have a ton of fun shooting down the choppers and escaping to freedom.


Another fun thing is taking all three protags in a helicopter and jump out. They'll all parachute down. If I remember right, they only have one parachute so if you go back up and try again, it wont end well. Lamar doesn't own a parachute (sorry Lamar), and I assume the other contacts don't either. I also have them rob stores together.


Honestly I could think of hundreds of things that I consider fun that sound tame.

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I usually snipe Blimps from that giant crane or just mess around the city until I get bored.

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Force an encounter between two of the three main characters (both driving their respective vehicles), decline politely any hang out proposal and chase "X" around the map, ramming against and shooting at him to make things more interesting. Yep, I'm an aweful motherf*cker.

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I generally don't play after I finish the story, so I just replay it again.


It seems with each play through I do, the more I roleplay. So I'll normally just do casual stuff between missions.


If I'm Trevor I'll drive around Sandy Shores looking for some bikers to mess with, go flying, harass some citizens of Sandy Shores, etc..


If I'm Franklin I'll generally hang out with Lamar and maybe steal a nice car I find and pimp it out then use it on a street race, but if I somehow get cops for doing it, I'll refuse to shoot directly at them since I don't think Frank would do that, instead I might shoot one of their tires and just try to outrun them.


With Michael I'll generally just do typical boring activities since he's retired, go shopping, buy businesses, cars, mess with stocks, sit by the lake in mirror park while I talk to the doc on the phone, etc..


ALSO! Am the only one who hates running on the street when roleplaying? I literally have to walk everywhere otherwise I feel like I'm not roleplaying. :p

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Buy the fastest car in the game and get into a police chase with 4+ stars.. Never know what will happen! Or just replay the story.

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Pissing about in the countryside listening to the wonderful radio. It's the first GTA game since those of my childhood where I find I can do this without getting bored, obviously I don't do it every day, but I always get the urge to pick it up and do it.

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Gnocchi Flip Flops

1. Hop into my Zion Coupe, Zion Cabrio, Oracle II, or Schwartzer to. Turn the SFX down. Cruise around the main avenues of Los Santos and eventually cruise onto the freeways and stay there whilst listening to Los Santos Rock Radio or Mirror Park or Lowdown. Usually get bored within 1 hour and 30 minutes.


2. Take pictures of beautiful scenery and sightsee. Usually get bored within 20 minutes.


3. Drive to the airport and fly a plane. Usually get bored within 5 minutes.


4. Off road? If it goes successful, this lasts for over and hour but sometimes the SUV's aren't very off road capable for some odd reason.


That is all I do in SP and honestly it isn't what I expected, I mean I do #1 with every game that involves a car but everything else...? Kind of boring. I end up playing IV or something else every time.

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I like Roleplaying

Trevor getting into in with the Cops.

Franklin going to Grove Street hanging with Lamar.

Michael looking for as I call them currently working robbers to shoot in the Head & getting Drunk with Amanda Trevor & Franklin.

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Tobey Marshall

using invincibility and the sky dive cheat at the same time is kind of fun that + trevor oh boy

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I'm still replaying missions and strangers and freaks trying to get gold on all of them and I still have a few trophies to get.

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Explore. The little details are incredible. Shoot everyone, cause chaos, etc. Call 2 of the protags and rob convenience stores.

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