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Beach party!

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Because it's nearly spring I tought it would be a fun idea to have a beach party. The party will be held at the cove on the east-coast of San Andreas (Unless you guys and girls know a better place) and you should wear beachclothes, but don't wear masks or anything silly like that. All of you should bring cars (they don't have to be beach cars), bikes, boats or Seasharks. The music will be Non-Stop Pop FM, Los Santos Rock Radio or Soulwax FM. Headsets are allowed as long as you don't scream or act like a child. Interested? just leave a message behind here. My is PSN thomtim9901 but please don't send friendrequests, just post your PSN (or PM it to me) and I'll invite you when the next party is.




Forumusername - PSN (Country - timezone)


thomtim9901 (me) - thomtim9901 (The Netherlands - GMT+1)

fvxxk - fvxx---GH0ST (USA - GMT-4)

keller321 - keller321 (Philippines- GMT+8)

The4420 - KickHappy (?-?)

ramsu - trini_boi95 (Canada - GMT-3.5 till-8)

tmac165 - tmac165 (USA - GMT-5 till-10)

RiaJay21 - IndieFlick92 (UK - GMT)

ThiagoSilva - natediaz209wut (Canada - GMT-3.5 till-8)

SosaReverri - GioFDB (The Netherlands - GMT+1)

Gballin23 - Gballin23 (USA - GMT -5)

EastLondon1988 - Eastlondonsamir (UK - GMT)

Fiero_Fastback - Fiero_Fastback (USA - GMT -3.5 till -8)

lazyassedlover - LazyAssedLover (UK - GMT)


The Cove:

Edited by thomtim9901
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I'm going to start the beach party, if you want to join send a message via PSN. And you don't have to be with us from the beginning to join and if you can't make it, don't worry there are going to be more

And please send me PSN messages because I'm not checking this forum every minute tonight (reminder: PSN is thomtim9901)

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This sounds fun, would like to get involved next time - only thing is, I'm in the UK. I can stay on until ridiculous o'clock on Saturdays, guaranteed as I don't work Sundays, and am good for Monday and Wednesday night, too, this week.


PSN is IndieFlick92

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This sounds fun, would like to get involved next time - only thing is, I'm in the UK. I can stay on until ridiculous o'clock on Saturdays, guaranteed as I don't work Sundays, and am good for Monday and Wednesday night, too, this week.


PSN is IndieFlick92

I'm in the Netherlands, were it is only one hour later. So that you are in the UK isn't a problem for me at all. But it is annoying for all the Americans (and I mean people from the entire continent not just the USA) and people from Asia. But we'll figure something out

Edited by thomtim9901
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