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Cars get dirty if you don't/stop using them?

GTA Master 007

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GTA Master 007

I recently drove my entity which has never left the garage since the turismo got released and realised it was dirty as f*ck, I mean it was the most dirty car I've even seen in gta v. I wish I could show you guys pics of it, but I washed the car before taking out any. Is this just a random thing that happened or is this a feature in GTA O?

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Cars get dirty when you drive them off-road... Or if you drive them long... o.o

Edited by J_Villasenor
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Do you have 0$?

If so, you cant pay your mechanics and sh*t.


When i was poor my first vehicle (Granger) was smoking black in my 2-car-garage when i logged in.

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GTA Master 007



Cars get dirty when you drive them off-road... Or if you drive them long... o.o

I also think it gets dirty when kept in garage for too long

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