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How many bottles of Pisswasser must I drink to end up in the hospital? I downed like 10 last time I tried this, and all that happened was my character getting wasted (which lasted a few seconds).

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I think you have to hold button down to drink the whole beer then after a few you pass out and respawn. You only go to the hospital in SP..

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Once I downed about 10 or 11 bottles of Pisswasser at the air field near Sandy Shores I passed out and it spawned me at the hospital/clinic in Sandy Shores (I did it in online). I've only done it once though I'm not too sure if you get sent to a hospital each time.But 10-11 seem to be the limit before passing out.

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Once I downed about 10 or 11 bottles of Pisswasser at the air field near Sandy Shores I passed out and it spawned me at the hospital/clinic in Sandy Shores (I did it in online). I've only done it once though I'm not too sure if you get sent to a hospital each time.But 10-11 seem to be the limit before passing out.


I'll have to try that!

Sounds like a new way to teleport.

Edited by Malibu454
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10 beer and pass out, sounds like they really made this game for little kids ;)

lol cheers

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You have to fully drink 9-10 beers you have to hold down the action until your character drops the bottle for all ten then you wake up at the nearest hospital

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