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Ammo dissapearing after deathmatch


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I noticed a few days ago my heavy sniper was empty, which seemed strange.


Today after a deathmatch, it happened again- I won the deathmatch with the heavy sniper and entered back online with as much ammo as I had in the match- 57 rounds?!?!


This ammo ain't cheap!! Beware!! Somehow the deathmatches eat my ammo!

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Yeah, this happened to me after creating a custom deathmatch which had the heavy-sniper...

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This has been going on for a while. Rockstar was supposed to have patched it but... If you go into creator, do it from single player. It happened to me a lot with forced and pick up settings on deathmatches. Doesn't seem to happen with forced only or owned and pickups settings.

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submit a ticket


This was happening for rpgs and grenades as well before the last patch and I submitted a ticket. Got no response but it got fixed anyway.

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By fixed you mean they refilled your ammo? I like just buying all ammo as it never costs me more than a few grand then BOOM heavy sniper is empty and I'm broke

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