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I figured out how to get out of bad sport faster.


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It is simply do missions with other bad sports.


I have seen this happen twice now. Once with my friend the other day. He had 1 day left and we were doing some rooftop together then after about 4-5 I wasn't able to invite him to the game any more. He messaged me saying I was a bad sport and his dunce cap was gone.


Same thing happened to me today, I had a day left as well. Same scenario doing rooftop and I kept inviting the same random guy to my game. After about 4-5 sessions of rooftop I tried to invite him again and it said he was a bad sport. I checked my character and the dunce was gone.


I thought about it and it makes sense to have a way to get out of bad sport faster and what better way then to use team work and be a productive member of society. It's like jail, if you be good and work on becoming a better person your time can be adjusted.


If anyone is badsport try this an chime in if you notice time being reduced.

Edited by KeeNer187
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I found a way too!


Simply DON'T get put into the bad sport lobby first.


Crazy right?

Edited by EZza2647
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I found a way too!fly


Simply DON'T get put into the bad sport lobby first.


Crazy right?

Well that's kind of hard to do when you are flying a buzzard most of the time

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The way the bad sport thing works is pretty simple. Whenever you get the $2000 good sport reward, consider it a clean slate. You can then do whatever the f*ck you want to whoever, quit whatever missions/races/blah blah blah - BUT - you can only do it up to 49 times. It's like a points system. Once you hit 50 "bad things", you get thrown into the bad sport lobby. For each mission you complete, you get one "good sport" point so to speak. So, if you balance it all out with blowing people up then do a bunch of missions, you'll never go to the bad place.


So there's that.

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doing a survival also works, & you can do it solo, by wave 9 the cap is gone, & believe it or not, money glitching also gets you out early, 45 minutes & 7mil richer, i was forgiven & dunce cap removed.

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The way the bad sport thing works is pretty simple. Whenever you get the $2000 good sport reward, consider it a clean slate. You can then do whatever the f*ck you want to whoever, quit whatever missions/races/blah blah blah - BUT - you can only do it up to 49 times. It's like a points system. Once you hit 50 "bad things", you get thrown into the bad sport lobby. For each mission you complete, you get one "good sport" point so to speak. So, if you balance it all out with blowing people up then do a bunch of missions, you'll never go to the bad place.


So there's that.

Yeah I'm gonna need a source for that.

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