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Its not safe for glitchers to have a social club account or is it? rea


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Ok guys first off i want to say i want to say i dont have anything against people who dont like to glitch or people who do.. The reason i dont think its safe for people who have a social club account and use glitches for money and rp is because its always updated to your social club. It records how much rp you make, money, rank, and ect. Couldnt R* easily just checkout your social club and ban you? Maybe R* doesnt check that stuff but they could. How do you think people get caught? I think its the social club that gets them banned and having a popular youtube channel or saying you glitch and giving your tag out to randoms.

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They will ban you regardless if you have a social club account its already saved in their servers i had some lvl 1000 dude as my friend and he had no social club and still managed to get banned from gta5 for modding money

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You honestly think that the stuff that's happening on their game entirely depends on Social Club to see what's going on?


They have servers, and databases, even if you don't have a social club you're playing their game. They can check whatever you do, even if you don't have a social club account.

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I think the Elegy is well worth letting R* dig through our data.


Not having the Elegy is not worth it.


Glitching shouldn't even factor.

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The only difference between having a social club account, or not, for this sort of thing is that people have a secondary avenue to report you.

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