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[PS3]Los Virus Antrax [Recruitment]


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Background: Los Virus Antrax is an enforcer gang of the Mexican drug trafficking organization known as the Sinaloa Cartel. The group was led by the drug lords SicarioOndeado and SicarioAlterado and they are responsible for a number of homicides and for providing armed security services to Ismael (El Mayo) Zambada. The gang operates in the capital city Los Santos.


Crew/Gang Name: Los Virus Antrax 5-7 [VVII]

Leader Contact: SocialClub name and PSN: SicarioOndeado_

Second in command :SocialClub name and PSN: SicarioAlterado_

Aim: Mostly Auto AIm

Mic Required: Yes

Language: Spanish and English

Social Club Crew Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/los_virus_antrax_5-7
Timezone:Pacific and Central USA

Criminal activities: Homicides, violent attacks (to take control of the plaza of Los Santos) ,bounty hunting, and TDM's.


-Our Military style uniforms



About: We're a Cartel style crew looking for members that share the same interests as us. Normally we mess aorund in free roam and dont mess with anyone unless they start it or if we see a crew we will attack a crew. We also do missions and a lot of team deathmatches .We treat every member with respect. You must prove to us that you can take care of yourself. We have access to every Pegasus vehicle in los santos and have a number of safehouses around the city. We will help you climb the ranks and also help with money. We're basically looking for mercenaries looking to cause havoc in free roam and take over lobbies.



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