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Zoomin' Zimmerman


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So I wrote a book for my writing class and it had to have a moral, so I made it about buckling up your seatbelts. I hope you all like it.










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Topkek :^)

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Mokrie Dela

Erm... Any chance you could re-post this in text form? I find some of this hard to read to be honest.

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Erm... Any chance you could re-post this in text form? I find some of this hard to read to be honest.

Sure, I don't blame you. My handwriting's awful.


I'll try to get it done either tomorrow or the next day.

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A breathtaking tale

By Phil Barber

It was a sunny day in Miami. Zimmerman woke up, fixed himself a bowl of Skittles and told himself, “I’m going to drive today!”


Zimmerman walked into his garage and looked at his fast car, a 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner. (I cannot draw a real looking car so this generic-looking car will have to do.)


Zimmerman pulled out of his house and drove around the neighbourhood. “I think I’ll drive out of the state!” said Zimmerman.


Zimmerman left the state and he drove all over America, before he decided, “I’ll drive to the ocean to see the sea!”


Once Zimmerman got to the ocean he met some fans cheering him on. “You rock, zoomin’ Zimmerman!” They said.


“If I can impress them now I shouldn’t stop now!” he said as he plowed his car into the sea.


Zoomin’ Zimmerman’s car floated ashore a few minutes later in Germany. Zimmerman was pleased he arrived in Germany, because he can zoom on the autobahn all he wanted.


“You can’t film-flam on the Zim-Zam!” Zimmerman said before…


Zimmerman lost control of his car while eating Skittles and plowed head-on into a Volkswagon Semi-Truck carrying sausages and beer and efficiency.


- Poor Zimmerman can’t zoom anymore.

- He could if he had been wearing his seatbelt, but he was not and the Zimmer was simmered.

There you go. :)

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Mokrie Dela


Erm... Any chance you could re-post this in text form? I find some of this hard to read to be honest.

Sure, I don't blame you. My handwriting's awful.


I'll try to get it done either tomorrow or the next day.


Believe it or not, mine's as bad , if not worse.

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Erm... Any chance you could re-post this in text form? I find some of this hard to read to be honest.

Sure, I don't blame you. My handwriting's awful.


I'll try to get it done either tomorrow or the next day.


Believe it or not, mine's as bad , if not worse.

Oh dear, someone has WORSE handwriting than me? Impossible!


Also, ziggy beat me to the written adaptation so...yeah

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