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Dev Creator


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So the dev creator works but there's a few things you should know.


If you access the dev creator and attempt to access GTA Online after, you may have no characters. DON'T CREATE A NEW CHARACTER, it will most likely overwrite your existing one. Completely restart GTA V to fix this no-character problem.



Mission/Survival/Gang Attack/Crate Drop Creator all confirmed not working.

Vehicle DM/ Team Vehicle DM Creator all confirmed working.

Parachute Jump creator works but, it doesn't work out as you might think. You'll be stuck if you try to edit the descriptions anyways.




Vehicle Death match I created: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/SuperFlyMeatbaww/games/gtav/jobs/job/AJTCogSIv0SuWMyXPauCVA?platformId=2

Edited by SuperFlyMeatbaww
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So the dev creator works but there's a few things you should know.


Once you publish a job, you'll most likely go through a black screen just loading continuously. Your first intentions might be to have a friend invite you/ sign out and sign back in. If you do that, you will be out of the black screen but if you try to play online, it will tell you that you need to create a character first. You'll end up having no characters at all and you're going to need to create a new one to play online. This is what will happen if sign out/in or have a friend invite you. DON'T CREATE A NEW ONE.


What you wanna do after publishing a job is to back out of GTA 5 entirely and starting it up again.



Vehicle Deathmatch I created: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/SuperFlyMeatbaww/games/gtav/jobs/job/AJTCogSIv0SuWMyXPauCVA?platformId=2

what other ones work? does the gang war one work or the mission creator

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The character creation screen also happens in Content Creator FM glitch. Don't make a new one, restart gta and it should be back

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So the dev creator works but there's a few things you should know.


Once you publish a job, you'll most likely go through a black screen just loading continuously. Your first intentions might be to have a friend invite you/ sign out and sign back in. If you do that, you will be out of the black screen but if you try to play online, it will tell you that you need to create a character first. You'll end up having no characters at all and you're going to need to create a new one to play online. This is what will happen if sign out/in or have a friend invite you. DON'T CREATE A NEW ONE.


What you wanna do after publishing a job is to back out of GTA 5 entirely and starting it up again.



Vehicle Deathmatch I created: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/SuperFlyMeatbaww/games/gtav/jobs/job/AJTCogSIv0SuWMyXPauCVA?platformId=2

what other ones work? does the gang war one work or the mission creator



I haven't tried at all, I'm testing them now. I was just letting those know that if you bypass the black loading screen by signing out/accepting a game invite.. you won't have any online characters.


EDIT: I tried the Mission Creator option, I'm stuck in the sky cam right now. :(

Edited by SuperFlyMeatbaww
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The character creation screen also happens in Content Creator FM glitch. Don't make a new one, restart gta and it should be back

content creator fm glitch doesn't do this if you use a lag switch. It simply reconnect to the session you were just in if you go to play gta online
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Dat description.








oh btw, if anyone is interested in making their own "verified" badge




Link to the PSD file.



Or if you don't have photoshop




The template.

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