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North Yankton Mafia is recruiting {xbox360}

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we are a small mafia family in los santos who is looking to grow we have 20 loyal members who play daily


some of the rules


1 No killing family members

2 mic is required

3 1 albany car in your garage

4 respect is a must


check us out here http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/north_yankton_mafia


message me on xbox X6azzaX a 2 week trial is a must to see how you get on and more important if you enjoy our family


p.s we do record some of our gameplay for youtube if any1 has a recording device will be good to swap footage to make our videos awsome we have some cool projects we want to recreate including the italian job


If you like what you read and you like the sound of our crew, you are always welcome here fill out this simple form


Gamer Tag:

Social Club Name:
Location/Time Zone:
How many hours a day do you play:
What Can You Contribute To A Crew:

Edited by X6azzaX
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Name: Alex

Gamer Tag: Potato asteroid

Social Club Name: alexfrancisco
Location/Time Zone: Norway GMT+1
How many hours a day do you play: 3-4 hours
What Can You Contribute To A Crew: You saw what i did when i met you guys online earlier today. Super fun to play with btw!!

Edited by Alex Francisco
  • 1 month later...
Don Dalton

Name: Sam


Gamertag: dogzieBFC420


Social Club Name: dogzieBFC420


Location/ Timezone: England GMT (+0:00)


How many hours do you play: Anywhere from 2-5 depends on work.


What can you contribute: Experienced driver with a vast array of cars, 130+ race wins online, social player, GTA rank 100+


Name: Benjamin


Gamertag: ViralSquirrel


Social Club Name: kiwibunnymouse


Location/Timezone: New Zealand GMT+12


How many hours do you play: I play on weekends due to school and work, so late night Fridays to Sunday. On the weekends I will play for most of the day unless I have homework & family time... After all, a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.


What can you contribute: A skilled pilot and a specialist marksman. A loyal team player, great communication skills (Knows when to talk and when to shut up). If it counts for anything, nearly all of the vehicles in my garage are mafia themed/related. [EDIT] Forgot to mention, I also have an HD PVR and Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects and am pretty darn good at editing.

Edited by ViralSquirrel

Name: Jamie


Gamer Tag: JamieDoran


Social Club Name: jamiedoran

Location/Time Zone: GMT (+0:00)

How many hours a day do you play: Presently 2-5hours, after June 12th probably 4-6 hours

What Can You Contribute To A Crew: I can take orders, highish rank, good at 1v1 melee combat, have roughly 20 vehicles, good helicopter pilot

Edited by JamieDoran
  • 4 weeks later...

Still looking for members guys.
Be sure to send me a message on Social Club (or PM here of course) and I will give you all the info you need and who to contact next.

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