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The Demise of GTA5 Online Upon Us...


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What completely ruined the GTA4 Multiplayer experience for me was the intense and extensive efforts of people who found ways to exploit the code of the game and manipulate the environment, making it unplayable for many casual gamers.

Some of these people devoted huge amounts of time to their effort, causing mayhem and forcing many clean players to quit before they even got started. And for what? An empowering sense of control over a virtual universe? A quick-fix for their need for attention? Because it's funny or fun? Boredom?

I don't know.

What I do know, is that Rockstar needs to address this matter before any other, because like GTA4, the exodus from GTA5 Online is going to be huge if every time a casual player joins in and has to deal with these morons, selfishly perpetuating their malevolence upon an entire community.

It's not fun. It's not funny. And compared to the previous rounds of glitching, this is something I would say should result in going to the culprit's home, taking their copy of GTA5 away from them, and thusly smacking their parents with said copy until they agree to teach their spoiled offspring how to behave in the real world.

Anyhow, here's some pics from today's experience:

The Culprit: This invisible driver in the police car, trying to run me down while I took pictures.


In the background, you can see cops shooting at the empty police car.
Everywhere I went, he followed, placing barricades, ramps, blockades, containers, etc. in my path.

Another player came to attack me, but was quickly barricaded out to keep me for himself.


The following photos show how this Culprit's behavior disrupted a full lobby.
Some players embraced the ramps, jumping around. Some, like me, tried to move away, but were boxed in.
Others, still, quit in droves.






What's unclear is the true motivation behind such behavior. If someone hands you a can of spray paint, chances are you aren't going to go paint graffiti on your neighbors house, yet... some people do.

I'm a big fan of this game, like most of us. But, this nonsense is just going to ruin it and I have no problem walking away. The only one it really hurts, in the end, is Rockstar. So, my hope is they pull it together and fix this quickly.

Edited by fw3
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No, the demise isn't upon us and quite frankly, you should keep your unfounded doom mongering to yourself.



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Do you realize that GTA V is just a game?


You do realize you contribute exactly nothing to this discussion right?

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I dont know, but that picture of the cop car is amazing.

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I remember a lot of people basically quit the game when god modders were spreading like wildfire.


Modding and glitching needs to be crippled since it's mostly being used for the wrong reasons.





''Give a man a bullet and he'll want a gun. Give a man a gun and he'll be giving away the bullets.''


- Alebarasi

Edited by Zorvaine
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That glitch is actually fun to do, don't be butthurt if anyone trolls you with it lol, join another session if you can't stand someone else's fun lol.

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I dont know, but that picture of the cop car is amazing.

You totally just pulled me out of my salty mood with that comment! Thank you!! ;)



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Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of what you write on these forums fw3, but the 'content creator in free mode' is just a glitch, not a hack.

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Well as our fine homeland security (hahaha pfft yea right) says, " See something, Say something." Did you pass all info including all screenshots on to Rockstar? Rockstar does not want gtao to turn into gta4 multi. That is why they have a report section. Even if you do not catch the culprits screen name I have sent in reports and have gotten back replies that are more than a canned response.

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The kiddies are probably going to flame you for this one, OP, but I hear ya. As long as the game remains profitable I think Rockstar will continue with the counter measures.


However, once the day comes that those efforts cost more than the profits cash cards & new game sales generate.. the exploiters will overrun GTAO like cockroaches. Hopefully that day will be later rather than sooner.

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Same will happen whenever you have developers who think they know more than gamers. If you try to coral your customers to a certain side of the pen, this will happen.


when devs understand that gamers know what they want, and dont put up with bullsh*t like the roosevelt and cheesy clothing, games will have more longevity

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That glitch is actually fun to do,



Its fun.?. It looks like a kid dropped all toys on the ground.



People want to know why the game keeps freezing. Thank all the slap happy morons that mod in free roam to troll players for no reason.

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Is this ScubaDave Verified or not?


OP did not contain anything pertaining to nukes or tank shifts, this thread cannot be ScubaDave verified.

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GTA IV was one of the most-played games on XBL as recently as last year. What "demise" are you talking about?

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That glitch is actually fun to do,



Its fun.?. It looks like a kid dropped all toys on the ground.



People want to know why the game keeps freezing. Thank all the slap happy morons that mod in free roam to troll players for no reason.



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you do realize its the content creator in MP glitch. its fun and FYI while in CC you cannot be in a car so it was not possible for a player to be invisible sometimes cops are tho

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Ballistic Jello

The kiddies are probably going to flame you for this one, OP, but I hear ya. As long as the game remains profitable I think Rockstar will continue with the counter measures.


However, once the day comes that those efforts cost more than the profits cash cards & new game sales generate.. the exploiters will overrun GTAO like cockroaches. Hopefully that day will be later rather than sooner.


I just hope this game goes to next gen and with it they spend some serious time refining the game code so that it's not so pathetically easy to cheat.

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That glitch is actually fun to do, don't be butthurt if anyone trolls you with it lol, join another session if you can't stand someone else's fun lol.

LOL! I love when people revert to "butthurt" whenever a valid complaint is put out there. It doesn't explain or rationalize, but instead puts the onus back on the person making the rational complaint.


That said, I admit that I was disappointed that I was subjected to "someone else's fun," when I didn't wish to be. Yeah, I eventually quit to another session, but wanted to get photos first.


But why should I - or any other player - be forced to endure "someone else's fun." If that were the case, then we'd all have the power to exploit the game and other players in such a way.


Again, as I stated prior, it's not a problem I care about. I'm just reporting my experience for forum users, like you. Take it or leave it, you don't have to read it and you don't have to comment. No problem here.


However, it's ruining GTA5 Online. And that, in my opinion, is not something Rockstar should view as acceptable.




I think beat_savy is right. I'm feeling a bit salty today. or maybe peppery. (LOL!!!!!) cheers!

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That glitch is actually fun to do,



Its fun.?. It looks like a kid dropped all toys on the ground.



People want to know why the game keeps freezing. Thank all the slap happy morons that mod in free roam to troll players for no reason.





I don't have to be mad to tell it how it is.



Edited by Vooodu
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It's upon so badly, that I've never seen anything like this, and I've been playing (as much as that was worth) since day 1(ish)

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Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of what you write on these forums fw3, but the 'content creator in free mode' is just a glitch, not a hack.

Facepalm. A glitch is when something inherent in the software goes off and does something unintended. A hack is where YOU force the software to do something unintended.

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It's damn strange all this freezing issues seems to pick up after patch 1.11 but of course don't blame rstar for that. And I only saying htat cause people been complaining about the freezing issue after the patch.

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Just join another session. And posting about it is the exact wrong thing to do, the fa**ots do this sh*t for attention, don't give it to them.

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Ravey Davey

I don't mean to be 'that guy', but why not just change session? This isn't widespread across the game, it's (in relative terms) a handful of people playing with a glitch.

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Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of what you write on these forums fw3, but the 'content creator in free mode' is just a glitch, not a hack.

Facepalm. A glitch is when something inherent in the software goes off and does something unintended. A hack is where YOU force the software to do something unintended.


lol, ok Mr. Nitpicker :p you win

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GTA IV was one of the most-played games on XBL as recently as last year. What "demise" are you talking about?

It was humor, man... I was trying to be all doom'n'gloom dramatic. Sorry, I forgot that the academics of the forum take things far too seriously.


If I could re-title the post, I'd call it, "BUTTHURT BY CONTENT CREATED KILLER COP CAR!! WTH?" Would that have worked? ;)

I don't mean to be 'that guy', but why not just change session? This isn't widespread across the game, it's (in relative terms) a handful of people playing with a glitch.

I did, of course. I just wanted to grab some pics. It's a relevant topic on this forum, but made better with photos! ;)

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