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Bookmarked Jobs - Limited number?

Black Rabbit

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Black Rabbit

So, I've been bookmarking jobs from Social Club and after I play one that I enjoyed, but the problem is, they don't show up on my game. The map only shows 27 bookmarked jobs and they're just the first 27 in alphabetical order. If this is the limit, that is fine, but the issue is, I can't go in and un-bookmark the ones that are showing up on my game. They're just always there. I can't even add my own bookmarked jobs and have the blip show up. On Social Club, some of them say they're added, some say they're not. If I "remove" using the social club, it doesn't remove them from my map.


Any ideas on how to reset your bookmarked jobs to start again?

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There is no reset. Your best bet is to make a playlist of bookmarked jobs and then un-bookmark those jobs to free up space in your list...use the social club to un-bookmark races...the in game section for that is buggy as hell...rinse repeat until you clear them all out of bookmarks. Log out of game then log back in and all the bookmarks will be cleared.


To play them you can run the playlists...OR pull up a playlist you made in the social club and pick individual races within them to add to game before you log in so you can play them individually. i dont know if there is a limit on the number of playlists you can have.

Edited by LuapYllier
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if you find the job in social club you can "remove from game"


go to the GTAONline tab in social club, filtrer by bookmarked jobs, then click "remove from game" on the ones you want to remove.


before you do that though, are all of the ones you bookmarked showing on your map, as oppose to the jobs list from the pause menu?

Edited by mo-seph
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if you find the job in social club you can "remove from game"


go to the GTAONline tab in social club, filtrer by bookmarked jobs, then click "remove from game" on the ones you want to remove.

This ^^^
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