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this is my first post and i just got out of the bad sport lobby and it was hell i went about my business and did my time did not retaliate when these scalawags would blow me up relentlessly for hours on end.... i have never been so thankful for being back in the real world.. i am currently 3 days clean of blowing up personal vehicles. but i got a long road ahead of me!

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We need a section just for people suffer from post traumatic stress from Bad Sport.


Maybe we can call it BA (Blowers Anonymous)

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this is my first post and i just got out of the bad sport lobby and it was hell i went about my business and did my time did not retaliate when these scalawags would blow me up relentlessly for hours on end.... i have never been so thankful for being back in the real world.. i am currently 3 days clean of blowing up personal vehicles. but i got a long road ahead of me!

You will be back in there soon enough. You WILL re-offend, it's just the way it goes.

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Congratulation. I cant believe you made it out of there alive. I would have broken my disc if I was ever put in a bad sport lobby. ( got GTA V for 5 bucks on ebay)

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That story changed my life but, could you go to the right section?

Hey sh*t head, why don't you go post a story there if you like that thread so much.


Because you two are the bitches who are making threads about stories NOBODY gives a f*ck about. :) That's why, sh*thead.

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Click on menu leave online and enter story mode and go visit Michaels shrink , I hear he is very good ,

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Mr. Muramasa





That story changed my life but, could you go to the right section?

Hey sh*t head, why don't you go post a story there if you like that thread so much.


Because you two are the bitches who are making threads about stories NOBODY gives a f*ck about. :) That's why, sh*thead.



Well there you go sh*thead, theres a story for you to share! Now go ahead, go to the story sharing thread, and let the world know about your story!


oh wait your name isn't sh*thead? my bad, but you decided to be a dick to someone asking a good question. That isn't cool.


Click on menu leave online and enter story mode and go visit Michaels shrink , I hear he is very good ,


I don't know about most people, but I already unloaded a full clip into his body LONG ago.

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Creates GTA account just to post this thread....


Makes me wanna dance with happiness for You....



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