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That tree in the impound lot can kiss my arse!

Soran Is On

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Soran Is On

Got trolled hard last night, only 2 of us left in the session and after a little back and forth both our vehicles are impounded. He gets there first and proceeds to push my Vacca into the corner of the impound lot behind that one tree.


No biggie I thought, if I cant open the passenger door it'll just teleport me inside the car and Ill back out and be on my way...


I just miss him as he pulls out of the lot and drives away. I shot at him on his way out so cops are on me. I hop the fence and open the passenger door, cops blasting away at the back window to no avail.


Now here's the god damn troll.... your character will not close the passenger door. EVER. So I'm stuck trying to back my car out of that corner with the door catching the tree. The cars armored to the 9's so the door won't break off, I can't get in the drivers door, and no matter what when my asshat of a character gets in the passenger side he leaves the door open stuck on the tree.


I've never wanted to smash my own car, make my character shoot himself in the head, or curse the nature of gta more than last night at that moment.


Now granted I could have avoided this simple troll tactic in a hundred different ways... all costing myself the insurance. Just the simplicity and its effectiveness within the mechanic of the game just had me floored that it actually worked. My car was stuck and no way short of blowing it up myself would get it out.


f*ck that tree in its stupid woody ass. and f*ck Rockstar for leaving just enough space between the wall and that tree for this to work, I know they did that intentionally just for this reason, I just know it.

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That's what you get for shooting at the guy in the damned impound lot.

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should have switched session buddy then when you went to impound in new session it'll be parked in a new bay all fresh and sparkling and ready for you to catch someone else out the same way with lol

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Rockstar employees are probably reading this with smiles on their faces as they drink scotch and slowly pet their cats.

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I stole a fully modified franklin buffalo from the lot and a fully modded vacca. I used the store any car glitch to make em my own :D. So funny o see the owners reaction when I drive up in a car identical to thiers

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Soran Is On

Use a cargobob to get your car out next time.

to close to the tree, woulda blown myself up.


and yes I could have avoided this in many ways, I just wanted it to not work like he thought it would. It did, I was pissed.

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I pickup cars near that spot all the time with a cargobob without blowing myself up. But yeah... I've blown up a few times doing this but it's possible. The chopper WILL take damage mind you but you'll usually be good enough to get it out and land quickly.

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Soran Is On

The only car this wouldn't work on is the infernus, trolled so hard I almost wanna sell my Vacca in spite.



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''Trees talk but they're not that interesting...''


- Michael De Santa

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That tree makes Cargobob tough in that last spot, trick is take down the light pole first to give yourself room. Dont overshoot and the tree isnt a problem.


I'd glitch the tow truck in from SP if it would help take that tree out though.

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Lose the wanted level, pay the $250 to release from impound, call for vehicle delivery. Problem solved.

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Rockstar employees are probably reading this with smiles on their faces as they drink scotch and slowly pet their cats.

haha, funny mental image
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Soran Is On

the tree is in the south east corner, push a car in there yourself and you'll get some rage going.






This thread is a cool story bro, with elements of trolling info for jerks. If you can't see the value in this thread, please bump with as many ignorant comments as possible.

and really, a thread about a tree kissing my ass... what else did you expect to read?

Edited by stonedpimpso
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Haha I might try this some time. Stuff like this makes the game more interesting and it's pretty harmless. You may have been annoyed, but evidently you were also intrigued.

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Soran Is On

Haha I might try this some time. Stuff like this makes the game more interesting and it's pretty harmless. You may have been annoyed, but evidently you were also intrigued.

yes exactly, simple and effective. Honestly after he left session and I died from the cops my vehicle was back in the parking spot. I purposely drove it back behind that tree to see if there was any way of physically driving it out... after a good 3 or 4 minutes I got out stood an inch from the back of my car and layed in to that hunk of sh*t until I blew it and myself into kingdom come. Mainly because he just wouldn't shut the passenger door after getting in. So much nerd rage....

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I thought by "tree" you meant the afro-american security guard who stands there... I already thought it became a thing after that "tree took my bike" thread :(


That's what you get for shooting at the guy in the damned impound lot.

your avatar makes the post twice as funny

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actually since we're on topic of the impound and I was talking about a cargobob and we're now talking about trolling....



Here's a little tidbit you might enjoy.


When you take a car out of the impound with the cargobob the car itself is still considered in the pound since no one has gotten in it yet. Thus when you drop it off the person who's car it is will need to enter the car in order to be able to call it via the mechanic.


SO.... if you drop the car off say... on top of a skyscraper whoever owns the car will need to get up the skyscraper OR pay for the insurance to get their car back. There are lots of interesting spots to play around with this and I won't lie, it's a lot of fun.


If you want you can also drop the car in the water and destroy it and you won't have to pay for the insurance but what's the fun in that?

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Soran Is On

from my testing dropping a car in the water does cause insurance costs, even abandoning the whole chopper rig carrying the vehicle over water will cause liability. they might have called for a different vehicle while air lifting it which kinda ruins the fun.


but dropping it on top of a skyscraper while it's still un deliverable is pretty funny. cargobob is the greatest tool in this game i say.


you can lift it to the nearby convenience store, drop it near a gas pump and start a shootout with the Ballas across the street. Enough gunfire and the Ballas will blow up the pump and the pv. or you can put 3+ cars near it and grenade the farthest one. Liability can be avoided that way too.


Generally just don't let your car sit in impound too long or clownshoes like us will make it a bad day....

Edited by stonedpimpso
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from my testing dropping a car in the water does cause insurance costs, even abandoning the whole chopper rig carrying the vehicle over water will cause liability. they might have called for a different vehicle while air lifting it which kinda ruins the fun.


but dropping it on top of a skyscraper while it's still un deliverable is pretty funny. cargobob is the greatest tool in this game i say.


I have NEVER had to pay and I've done this many times...

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Crunch McThornbody

If you go do a mission like Rooftop Rumble, retreiving your car from the impound is easy because the cops are completely passive in that mission! (and many others), so much so you can walk up to two cops, shoot one and the other won't bat an eyelid.


I've also gone to Fort Zancudo in Rooftop Rumble and played with the tanks. You can steal a tank from an NPC, go on a rampage and destroy every vehicle and other tank you see and they do nothing! Rather surreal compared to how they act during freeroam.

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I cant believe people actually still jump the fence to get their car out of impound, instead of simply walking to the gate and paying the fee without incident

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Now granted I could have avoided this simple troll tactic in a hundred different ways... all costing myself the insurance.


I know it isn't the most ideal thing,, but switching lobby wont cost you insurance..

I'd glitch the tow truck in from SP if it would help take that tree out though.




I know nothing about how the glitches work... but surely by doing the glitch you reset the car like going to a new lobby?? :blink::facedesk:

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Soran Is On


from my testing dropping a car in the water does cause insurance costs, even abandoning the whole chopper rig carrying the vehicle over water will cause liability. they might have called for a different vehicle while air lifting it which kinda ruins the fun.


but dropping it on top of a skyscraper while it's still un deliverable is pretty funny. cargobob is the greatest tool in this game i say.


I have NEVER had to pay and I've done this many times...



I went on a cargobobbing crusade a few weeks back trying as many ways as possible and have been charged, it could be random.


I wish there was a really good GTA Mythbusters video testing liablity... if I had a capture card and more friends on the same time as me I'd do one myself testing everything I could think of.

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