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Special Agent 25

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Special Agent 25

Used to love randomly bumping into Npc's in GTA IV so they would hit me so they get arrested by cops and see the conversation and reactions..


what ever happened to that, as far as i know i've never seen any NPC's get arrested in GTA V and the only time you ever seem to see a cop car in online is when you have a wanted level



Edited by L5B4LIF3
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the only time you ever seem to see a cop car in online is when you have a wanted level




All the damn time then, basically.

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Special Agent 25

Cops just shoot everything now No nee dc for arrests.


Exactly even at 1 star its all guns blazing, at 1 star in IV they'd only carry nightsticks around.

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The only time i've seen an arrest in GTA V was when Franklin got arrested for standing too close to a cop

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The only time i've seen an arrest in GTA V was when Franklin got arrested for standing too close to a cop


I can guess why.

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Cops are like real american cops now.


Shoot on sight.

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when I hit an NPC and lure him to cops and he hits me, I get a star level and they shoot at me :(

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Well,Cops & FIB guys that shoot at everything can be fun.

Try to steal a FIB car when it spawns at the Satellite field.

1 guy shoots at you,2nd guy kills the next FIB guy,3rd shoots at the 2nd.

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Cops just shoot everything now No nee dc for arrests.


Exactly even at 1 star its all guns blazing, at 1 star in IV they'd only carry nightsticks around.


There were no nightsticks in IV, but yea I get the point. Cops shoot everything down. Damn annoying

Edited by lollie123
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Used to love randomly bumping into Npc's in GTA IV so they would hit me so they get arrested by cops and see the conversation and reactions..


what ever happened to that, as far as i know i've never seen any NPC's get arrested in GTA V and the only time you ever seem to see a cop car in online is when you have a wanted level




You can call 911 in Online to get the cops to your location without having a wanted level. Not ideal but at least there's that.


SP you get cops chasing NPCs and such, but that seems to be removed for Online, for performance reasons </speculation>

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Special Agent 25



Cops just shoot everything now No nee dc for arrests.


Exactly even at 1 star its all guns blazing, at 1 star in IV they'd only carry nightsticks around.


There were no nightsticks in IV, but yea I get the point. Cops shoot everything down. Damn annoying



Well you get what mean, they didn't shoot until you got 2 stars

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In sp cops have shootouts with npcs. They also taze them. Online you can get peds mad at u then call 911 while standing on your car. Cops will come

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Special Agent 25

In sp cops have shootouts with npcs. They also taze them. Online you can get peds mad at u then call 911 while standing on your car. Cops will come


Never tryed that in V but whenever i did it in IV, they start running off before you got through to the operator...


Npc: Come here, I'll Kill you...


me: *Dials 911*


NPC: crap.. i'm outta here..

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Cops are like real american cops now.


Shoot on sight.

Shoot first. Talk later. Seems right.
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The cops will shoot at NPC's. I see it all the time.


I will start a shootout with a gang and the cops will show up and start blasting on them as well as me.


Also, if I get put in a coveted lobby and don't feel like doing it. I will stand on the hill and snipe people driving by. When the cops show they just stay at the bottom and if you shoot and scare peds they will panic and crash into the cop cars and then BAM! The cops open fire on that guy too. Haha.


I don't think the cops know how to "arrest" people in this GTA. Haha.

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