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Tips for ditching the LSPD


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While taking on the LSPD can be entertaining, it is also never ending. LS seems to have an unlimited level of law enforcement. So I ask...

What tactics do you use to evade after reaching 3 or more stars?

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Hit the tunnels , entrance off of the freeway.


Don't ask me which freeway , I don't know, it's right below the richy BH's wannabe area.

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In the city.


Take 3 lefts/rights followed by 3 rights/lefts. < Don't knock this til you try it, works out a lot of the time for me, for whatever reason, also works good against helo's




In blaine county, foot to the floor in one direction til the heli is a little behind, then try find some cover to hide underneath.


Bushes do not work online.

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Tunnel/underground/parking garage, or duck into LSC, usually just cutting corners gets you out of sight fast. I would not recommend trying your personal garage, because they somehow know where you live and will always put a helicopter above it, reinstating the 3 stars and not letting you in. Parking garages are the best, the layout always confuses them, and there's always a way off the roof if need be.


And honestly if they are being a pain, which is often the case when you're not in your own vehicle and can't drive fast enough... let them kill you, who cares and the stars go away.

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I read the title "tips for ditching the LSD" haha


Some ways that you can easily lose them is by going to dark alleyways and sitting there for a minute. Or a better way, under the subway tunnels. Or if you're far out like in sandy shores or something.. You can always just call your creepy uncle lester (which is the lazy but fastest way) or kill yourself.

Edited by Lazy Mofo
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If I'm near tram/train tracks, I just drive on those. I'll either escape them, or reach a tunnel and hide.


Often I'll just drive in and out of a LSC.

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tunnels , above ground garages . and just driving and making plenty of turns will lose them. oh and going off road loses them , even the chopters

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Phone>Contacts>Lester>Remove Wanted Level


1* Wanted = Pee on a cop


2* Wanted = Duck cruiser police in alleys and back-ways.


3* Wanted = Outrun chopper> duck cruiser police in alleys and back-ways.


4* Wanted = Outrun chopper > go off road. Underground.


5* Wanted = Underground OR fast air vehicle.

Edited by Intoxica7ed
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Cops cars are terrible at turning at right angle so keep that in mind . Stay off the highway( cops are persistent there ,no where to turn on a right angle) head towards the beach and hide out in the area where Floyd lives ( for those who did not get to far into the story ) the marijuana shop.

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I always use LSC or drive to my house in Tinsel Towers. The Garage entrance is directly on the street so I just drive straight in or circle the building until the cops put their cones out then drive full speed into my garage.


If that isn't working there is a balcony running around the building I just keep circling it until cops pop cones and then jump down to my garage.


NOTE: When you pull into YOUR garage you still need to wait for the stars to drop off. When you pull into LSC the stars drop immediately in the cutscene.

Edited by Kaber
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I can pull into any LSC even when my radar is flashing red. Sometimes it doesn't work (says lose the cops) but if you do a loop around the block and head at the garage door again it will work probably 90% of the time. Even if you're in plain view of the cops or they're even smashing into you. An easy glitch i hope they never fix.

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While taking on the LSPD can be entertaining, it is also never ending. LS seems to have an unlimited level of law enforcement. So I ask...


What tactics do you use to evade after reaching 3 or more stars?

get on an open field and just wreck as many as possible of them, f*ck these bastards, they may come back, but so will you, and f*ck them up again

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Leave car on street run through alleys and on buildings works all the time

leaves you prone to getting shot and then your car being impounded

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Hit nearest railroad, follow to nearest tunnel. Cops rarely follow you in, typically only if they're right on your tail when you go in.

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BaM BooZeLLed

Turn a few times

Then park in a ally/parking structure/tunnel


People always try to drive as fast and as far as they can which is exactly what R* knew you would do so they punish you for being obvious. Only thing to remember is the cops will first respond to the point of the incident and span out but not very far so drive a few blocks take a few turns and chill. Dont panic haha

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I like to just steal an airplane and get really, really high.



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Kentucky Kurt

With a souped up Bati motorcycle, just pop wheelies to jump over guardrails, the cops can't follow! Then it's just a matter of driving far enough away from roads that the cops cant see you. Helicopters r annoying, but they dont usually chase for long. Hop off the bike, eat a couple bullets and snipe the PILOT for a 1-shot helicopter kill if he's being a real pain in the ass.


Also, with maxed Lung Capacity, u can dive a few feet underwater and wait it out but DON'T swim or you'll use air faster. Usually have just enough air to break for the surface by the time they leave.

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Watch your radar and don't drive too fast. They spawn right in front of ya and you catch up to them. Also press r3 periodically and look at them if they are behind you, then they can't use super speed cheat and they tend to crash.

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alley ways n side streets and usually hide in a underground carpark

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hopping in the sub has been the quickest and easiest way for me to lose a five star.

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It's not the Cops on the street that bother me, its the damn Choppers. I like how you can get out of ones view and POOF another could appear right above you.


Train Tracks, they usually lead to Tunnels. In-fact I use the tracks a lot especially when I take a car to simeon.

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Some nice tips on losing the cops. :miranda:


I find getting off-road works more often than not. I have managed to get free of a **** wanted level by leaving downtown LS and taking the highway to the edge of BC, then cutting off road. Not the dirt road mind you. No no drive it like a lawnmower. It takes some effort to ditch the Chopper but it can be done.

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Don't be afraid to shoot them, yeah it raises your wanted level, but sometimes more is more.

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While taking on the LSPD can be entertaining, it is also never ending. LS seems to have an unlimited level of law enforcement. So I ask...


What tactics do you use to evade after reaching 3 or more stars?

get on an open field and just wreck as many as possible of them, f*ck these bastards, they may come back, but so will you, and f*ck them up again



spoderman y so aggressive.

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