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GTA V - Funny Kills!


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You can sneak behind someone sitting at a bus stop, and kick him/her in the back. They always look to have some weird seizure attack before they die :lol:

Haha just tried it, the guy was unconscience immediately lol

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well,this isn't really a kill,it's more of a Funny fail that was on a mission online,heh heh.


I was playing with 2 players the other night,on this Escort mission,where you have to protect the Rich guy in the limo & take him to his mansion,anyway,the guy who was trying to kill the VIP was chasing the limo,holds a grenade,goes up a rock & does a jump,he lands & his motorbike blows up killing him,It was so funny,the way he just screams down the mic XD

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Sussus Amongus

Op deserves more subs :D. I swear the only good youtubers are the ones that take a loong time to find.

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Alex Wesker

In an intense police chase and I drive down to the docks when one of the cops cars hits the ramp too hard; flies up in the air and then explodes as it makes contact with the ground.

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In an intense police chase and I drive down to the docks when one of the cops cars hits the ramp too hard; flies up in the air and then explodes as it makes contact with the ground.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like to find glitches that enable michael to attack his own family


i did the thing where i met michael at his house as franklin, switched, then used michael to prop a door open, switched to frank, went through the open door, then switched back to michael, and was then able to stomp the f*ck out of michaels wife while she sat on the sofa:



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I like to find glitches that enable michael to attack his own family


i did the thing where i met michael at his house as franklin, switched, then used michael to prop a door open, switched to frank, went through the open door, then switched back to michael, and was then able to stomp the f*ck out of michaels wife while she sat on the sofa:




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