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PS3 vehicle request page 1000 - The 16 Vs LSPD


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''I propose a fitting celebration after page 1000 has been reached here, a car meet obviously would make sense but how about a last man standing competition where users who post here on ps3 vehicle request/duping find a time that suits the most people to work together on a pre arranged invite only session, 16 players all stocked up at ammunation, meet at an agreed area of the map where instead of killing one another all 16 of us join forces to take on the might of the law at 5 star wanted level to say to the LSPD f*ck you we run this bitch! Last player standing wins a jetpack (kidding), you'll get some RP though.''



OK so I made this post to get the input of anyone who is interested in being part of this 'celebration' any and all ideas are welcome to get the most enjoyment out of this planned assault on the LSPD. The biggest issue is when to have it as different users live in different time zones.


Everyone who wants to take part should post here:


1. which time zone they live in.

2. which day(s) would work best for them.

3. the time window that they could take part, such at EST 1300-2200


Once enough info has been gathered it should be easier to make a decision to accommodate as many people as possible.


Besides the time zones the other details that need to be decided upon by all the participants are:


Where on the map would be best to hold this? I'm gonna go a drive around just now to check out potential areas to hold this war, if you have a suggestion about where this should take place please leave a reply here and the most popular suggestions will be added to a poll later so we can vote on the location. Street name / co ordinates will help.



I don't mind if this is auto aim or free aim, if we take up strategic positions we should avoid friendly fire.



Other info:


If you are accidentally killed by another player you are free to rejoin the battle.

If the LSPD kill you you must enter passive mode and spectate/take some snapmatic photos

Feel free to bring your cars.

Bring a buzzard if you want, a tank is NOT an option.

Take some before and after pics of the area / the calm before the storm and the aftermath of the war.



Any other ideas/improvements, or if you disagree with the suggestions I made post them here and we'll get this show on the road. Include any questions you think should be added to the poll.


If more than 16 people wanna take part or if the time zones are too much of an issue several battle/meet ups can be arranged here.


Below is a list of the GTAforums users that have PMd me wanting to take part so far.


1. Bolts823

2. xMJ86_

3. lokdogiv

4. keynny


6. dSk_43

7. hentai_posse

8. Polska_Duma

9. me (serpentoflight)

10. Goldghost9Ps3

11. thegian9o

12. need_prison_bus

13. keller312

14. RawRie

15. Awesomename707


17. Soviet-Bettle!

18. C-DubTate

19. ThiagoSilva

20. Kazzer-999

21. BeastManAli

22. mkp25

24. Noahsahorse

25. Texas_Tanner

26. Sh0tyme

27. Meth

28. MedicinalJay

29. Frothyy

30. Mr_Clutch_22120

Edit: There will be a European meet/a U.S meet and a rest of the world meet so everyone has an opportunity to team up and take on the LSPD regardless of timezones.





f*ck the police!

Edited by serpentoflight
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I think under the bridge where you shoot out for The Big Score, or near Lester's Warehouse where Ammunation and LSC is, like in front of Ammunation we form a circle with fitted cars and have a shootout.

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preferably Monday-Friday GMT 3-8pm but weekend is ok too (I'm home with a broken ankle)

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If I am available I'll be down for sure. I won't take a confirmed spot yet though as I don't know when it will be. I am working extreme early mornings so late nights just cannot happen on days on. I guess it will be a last minute "hey is there room?" sort of deal. I am located in the mountain time zone +8hrs I believe.

There is talk of a demolition derby as well. That could be fun as well!

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Easter time zone

I'm available 90% of the time Monday if we do it then I'm not available till after 3pm

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I would love to be in :D i am free over the next 2 days pretty much any time.
in the past me and my crew have dressed up in military/tactical style outfits and had a 5 star battle against the cops on top of mount chilliad which was really fun.

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This will probably be on Monday going by the pm's unless anyone wants to start something tonight :)

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I'm down for tonight. The last car meet we had, we did a shootout with LSPD at the docks

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ya know could make this epic i could spawn all of you's cop cars and riot cars or bulldozers, fbi, cutters, mowers



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oh if don't believe me, ask bolts, noahsahorse, lokdog, i did invite a few others but they didn't want to come

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I'll come hang whenever, i'm playin ps4 right now so when i'm done. I'm fre

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I originally got an invite by Devs, I asked what it was he said it was a surprise Lol0_0.jpg .


This was earlier lol I love how Bolts was just destroying police with his tank

Edited by Noahsahorse
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anyways if you want them then i will oblige and come to the meet if not, then i won't but what a way to celebrate, to relieve the past with modded cop cars, etc

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I spend faaaar too much time at work,
So I think I might be like Gonzosleeper, and be a last minute is there space?
Thanks for the pm Dev

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heh this should bring back memories




can do more than one meet, i can go to both if need be, drop cop cars or whatever in one, then jump to another to give out cop cars etc. make it a weekend, this damn cyclone turns out to be a fizzer here so i should be on.

Edited by DevsNzL
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anyways if you want them then i will oblige and come to the meet if not, then i won't but what a way to celebrate, to relieve the past with modded cop cars, etc


come to the meet anyways! one like this will have to be done :) just to bad this color hadn't been discovered in the storable days!



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heh this should bring back memories




can do more than one meet, i can go to both if need be, drop cop cars or whatever in one, then jump to another to give out cop cars etc. make it a weekend, this damn cyclone turns out to be a fizzer here so i should be on.

Sounds like a great idea!
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I'm working like a slave this weekend so if this goes down take some pics, f*ck work :(

Job number 1 for the next 7 hours I can't use my phone, after that got another shift elsewhere but at quiet times I can get on my phone and respond to any PMs just so u know I'm not ignoring anyone, same story 2Moro :(


Almost 40hours of work in 2 days.

Edited by serpentoflight
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can't start without you boss, you the one organizing it hahaha

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I should be on the forums all day tomorrow but getting online mid afternoon NZ time if someone could shoot me a message about any meets going on I would love to be involved :)

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