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Tailgater Locations!


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I found Tailgater!


1.When starting game it will be offered as starting car.


2.When Simeon request Tailgater, it can be found behind tennis course.


3.At Los Santos Internacional Airport.


Locations Map coming soon!


sorry for bad english

Edited by DeathExtreme020
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En1gma 0nyx

also the golf course parking lot, and the black sentinal guy sometimes drives them too :santa:

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I somewhat unfortunately, quickly got over this fad. Found mine like 3 days ago, golf course parking lot. But with little garage space left, & me JUST having fallen in love w/ my Jackal, I got rid of it. Its nice, but unless you keep it black looking like Michael's car, kinda not that special.


Jackal stares back at you with them feline eyes! Then, there's the Cognoscenti Cabrio. If you want a Tailgater, but dont have one, do yourself a favor & drop 200k on that. You won't regret it

Edited by MrKush
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BaM BooZeLLed

What's the big deal about the tailgater??

Nothing really other then for some people they tend to be hard to come by similar to the Sultan. So when people find them they post where so you can get a idea of where they tend to spawn on the map.

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IMO the Tailgater isn't worth all the trouble. I once spent a while looking for it. Then it sat in my garage for months and I never drove it. Ditched it a while ago and I haven't regretted it at all. The car doesn't drive/handle all that particularly well anyway. If you want a great 4-door car, go with the Exemplar.

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They also tend to spawn at the beach parking lot. Near where all the steroid junkies work out. I think it's behind a court, probably a tennis court. I don't really pay attention.

Edited by SuperFlyMeatbaww
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IMO the Tailgater isn't worth all the trouble. I once spent a while looking for it. Then it sat in my garage for months and I never drove it. Ditched it a while ago and I haven't regretted it at all. The car doesn't drive/handle all that particularly well anyway. If you want a great 4-door car, go with the Exemplar.

I like the tailgater for its rarity, like me there are rare cars collectors.

When they put the asea for sale I sold mine.

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