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The Los Santos Connection.


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two guys go for the drop off and kill/hack laptop, one person gets a tank and goes to the airport, while another gets a buzzard and waits for the executive jet to spawn. then we all get in the buzzard and go to Martins. Tactical and precise.

If you like these sort of manoeuvres and well executed missions

join JTF5.

three rules: don't kill any other JTF5 in free mode, unless he is being a dick, do not grief low level players, and kill only bounties and folks with a lot of cheek. and please help low level characters get away from spawn killers. We had a guy tonight spawn killing a level 4 who was practically crying on his mic saying he couldn't even get time to go into his menu to leave(guy had a car and was quick to the spawn point) 6 of is showed up from Blaine county where we were killing each other in the runway and ruined the guy until he went passive and then kept running him over until he left. We saw him later when he came back ( he had a friend in the lobby ). He walked up to us in passive, saluted and then removed passive mode. we honked our horns and let him be.

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Wayne Daniels

I did this mission for the first time last night and it was amazing, loved every second of it!! I did it solo with the difficulty on hard. It was a challenge but still good. :)

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But yeah there are many ways to go with on this mission. Honestly I wish there were more missions like this. At a Objective Stand-Point this is the longest Mission out of all the others. If they ever do give us a "Mission Creator" I'm going to keep this Mission in mind.
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Wayne Daniels

I'm a bit conused maybe someone can help me.

Last night played this mission with a friend, I am level 63 and she is 45.

Now she died at the depot, so I hacked the laptop and did the rest of the mission on my own from there on. Now here's there's funny part...when I finished, I got $15 000 and she got $30 000! What gives?

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I'm a bit conused maybe someone can help me.

Last night played this mission with a friend, I am level 63 and she is 45.

Now she died at the depot, so I hacked the laptop and did the rest of the mission on my own from there on. Now here's there's funny part...when I finished, I got $15 000 and she got $30 000! What gives?

The first time a player does a mission they've unlocked (ie first time someone does Rooftop Rumble after reaching level 75) he/she gets double the $. Every time after they get half.

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I do the mission with a tank. Then park the buzzard inside the hanger. Works marvelously on solo and on hard

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