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Should we get access to some skyscrapers?


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Like we could take a lift to multiple different storeys and have different stuff to do on each one.


Even if we can't do much, it'd be awesome for DeathMatches.

Edited by Tritium
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meh, seems like itd be cool for a few days until people ruined it with sticky bomb camping


i miss the parachute jump things from tbogt multiplayer

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meh, seems like itd be cool for a few days until people ruined it with sticky bomb camping


i miss the parachute jump things from tbogt multiplayer

Maybe have explosives/shotguns banned in them idk.


But for the freeroam aspect, I mean like a passive building where you can go for fun.

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Biohazard Abyss

As long as they have air hockey tables to play on with other players.

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"should we......"



i dont know.... i heared rumours about the inside life of LS buildings, scary rumours! We probably shouldnt go in there....

Edited by iddqdvie
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