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Buzzard, Frogger or Maverick ? Which one to choose ?


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I want to buy a helicopter but I don't know which one to choose, I know most people say buy the Buzzard, sure it's useful but I feel exposed in that little helicopter, the body is very fragile and it looks like a f*cking fly.

But what about the Frogger or the Maverick ? Handling ? Speed ? I don't need the missiles since I hardly deal with other people in FR, what you guys think ?

Which helicopter would you recommend ?

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Eh, if you aren't concerned about not having the offensive capabilities of the Buzzard, get the Frogger. It's far better than the Maverick.

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Jolly Swagman

If you are worried about getting shot out of the chopper have you considered an annihilator? You get the most protection and can carry 6 people instead of four. It is slower than the others though. The mini guns on it are pretty useful now they have been boosted. Can blow up a vehicle with only one pass now.

Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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Serious there is no safe place in any chopper accept for a Cargobob but that is slow and not for sale..

A maverick you can land it very quick with its wheels attached..

frogger can be found everywhere on the map so i find it a bit waste of $

a Buzzard is very aggile , quick descent when needed also it can climb the sky in no time... and you have yourself a good change to fight a tank/police/other Players...


i dont know Daimond but i would give my money on the Buzzard.

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If you want to have protection I'd go with the Buzzard, if not the Frogger is probably my most favorite one.

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I have both a Buzzard and a Maverick. For cruising, the Maverick is the way to go. For missions that require added firepower, the Buzzard is king.

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Thank you for the quick replies


Eh, if you aren't concerned about not having the offensive capabilities of the Buzzard, get the Frogger. It's far better than the Maverick.


The frogger is better, at least for me, easy to fly and more stable.


If you are worried about getting shot out of the chopper have you considered an annihilator? You get the most protection and can carry 6 people instead of four. It is slower than the others though. The mini guns on it are pretty useful now they have been boosted. Can blow up a vehicle with only one pass now.


I did but that helicopter is so big that I am a big moving target, a RPG, heavy sniper or MG can take it down easily since it's slow and the miniguns are very hard to aim given the helicopter size.


Serious there is no safe place in any chopper accept for a Cargobob but that is slow and not for sale..
A maverick you can land it very quick with its wheels attached..
frogger can be found everywhere on the map so i find it a bit waste of $
a Buzzard is very aggile , quick descent when needed also it can climb the sky in no time... and you have yourself a good change to fight a tank/police/other Players...

i dont know Daimond but i would give my money on the Buzzard.


The buzzard is good, but the general look of that helicopter is awful and if someone sees you in it, they will shoot you down.

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Aero Dynamo

Have all of them. Seriously the last time I called in Pegasus for a Fogger or Maverick was like 3 months ago. Buy the buzzard. You will NEVER EVER Regret it. Say you are flying in a fogger and suddenly some guy is heading towards ya in a buzzard or a Lazer. You would have to bail out in a Fogger cause you bet they will kill ya. But if you are in a Buzzard,


1: Just turn the Fking thing around

2: Fire some missiles

3: See a ball of flames go down

4: Carry on with your day.


Buzzard is really cool. Plus you will have tons of use of it during missions. You would mostly need it in all missions that require lots of firing and stuff. Plus if you go in a fogger you will land alright but you would waste at least 5000$ ammo in shooting your own guns and stuff. In a buzzard you have unlimited ammo and missiles so you can technically complete the whole mission from the comfort of your Seat without getting down or getting shot at. GL :colgate:

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The Frogger is definitely more stable than the Maverick, and I think a little faster too once you're really going. So, between the two, that would be my pick.


But, I own a Buzzard. And even if shooting people down isn't what you're after, I still prefer it to the others. It's smaller size means you can get it anywhere. I fly it through car tunnels pretty regularly, or land it on rooftops that simply don't have room for the others. Seems just as fast and maneuverable as the others too. And if someone starts shooting at you, it's pretty easy to put a building between you and them to buy yourself the time to decide how to handle the situation.


If you're deadset against the Buzzard, go Frogger. But the Buzzard has a lot more to offer than the firepower.

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You could always continue saving up in the off chance Rockstar bring back the Hunter. :p

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Have all of them. Seriously the last time I called in Pegasus for a Fogger or Maverick was like 3 months ago. Buy the buzzard. You will NEVER EVER Regret it. Say you are flying in a fogger and suddenly some guy is heading towards ya in a buzzard or a Lazer. You would have to bail out in a Fogger cause you bet they will kill ya. But if you are in a Buzzard,


1: Just turn the Fking thing around

2: Fire some missiles

3: See a ball of flames go down

4: Carry on with your day.


Buzzard is really cool. Plus you will have tons of use of it during missions. You would mostly need it in all missions that require lots of firing and stuff. Plus if you go in a fogger you will land alright but you would waste at least 5000$ ammo in shooting your own guns and stuff. In a buzzard you have unlimited ammo and missiles so you can technically complete the whole mission from the comfort of your Seat without getting down or getting shot at. GL :colgate:


Great advice, I don't want to shoot people down since they can destroy that helicopter so easily with the MG or so, but I might go for the Buzzard.


The Frogger is definitely more stable than the Maverick, and I think a little faster too once you're really going. So, between the two, that would be my pick.


But, I own a Buzzard. And even if shooting people down isn't what you're after, I still prefer it to the others. It's smaller size means you can get it anywhere. I fly it through car tunnels pretty regularly, or land it on rooftops that simply don't have room for the others. Seems just as fast and maneuverable as the others too. And if someone starts shooting at you, it's pretty easy to put a building between you and them to buy yourself the time to decide how to handle the situation.


If you're deadset against the Buzzard, go Frogger. But the Buzzard has a lot more to offer than the firepower.


I think you're right, I'll try to land and test the Buzzard in SP to see if its worthy.


You could always continue saving up in the off chance Rockstar bring back the Hunter. :p


I saw that video, what do you think ? That's the best helicopter, I wouldn't mind spending millions in that since it looks awesome.


That helicopter with some military clothing and police lights in motocycles and certain vehicles (Granger, Buffalo) would be the best !

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Annihilator for crew transport or protection.

Frogger for missions that don't need armaments.

Maverick is not very good at all.

Buzzard if you need to take out vehicles or aircraft.

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In reply: every heli is a target..

but with the buzzard you got at least 1 or to 2 chanches of defense

yes it is ugly but i find every heli ugly :-)

good luck picking 1

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You can steal Mavericks and Froggers everywhere in FR. Why buy one? Like a lot of us I consider my Buzzard the best thing I bought in the game!

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In reply: every heli is a target..

but with the buzzard you got at least 1 or to 2 chanches of defense

yes it is ugly but i find every heli ugly :-)

good luck picking 1

Helicopters are normal people with helicopter disease.

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although , frogger is expensive & faster than maverick . it's not used for Fly-by as the engine are weak compared maverick but slower than frogger

however , as buzzard armed its more effective than both . it proven to be deadly at hands of experienced helicopter pilots if one able to control the helicopter from wobble and use miniguns / free aim buzzard's rocket

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Buy the Buzzard so you have an attack Helicopter on stand by for when you need it in Free Roam and Missions but as for regular non-combat helos you can't go wrong with the Frogger it is a lot faster then the Maverick.


But save your money with buying a regular helo because you can just call Merryweather for a Helicopter Pickup for $1,000 and they come and pick you up shoot the pilot and steal the Maverick sure they'll be mad at you but by time you need another helicopter ride you'll be forgiven and they'll send another pilot to come pick you up save yourself 1.2Mil


I myself have all of them for my 1st char but only because i bought em during the Millionaire days and i have YET to use the Maverick but i use the Frogger a lot and i bought the Frogger for my 2nd char as a secondary helo but i still use MW most of the time. it's a lot cheaper because you'll probably never use $1,200,000 worth of helicopter pick ups from Merryweather so you'll save money by calling them instead of buying your own & besides there is ALWAYS a helo at both airports and the third tiny McKenzie airfield and about 6/10 times there will be a helo landing at the Marina helopad but i would say def buy the buzzard but hold off on the other ones for now save your money you never know R* might come out with an Apache Longbow Helo in the future

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I cant say I've piloted all others but the Buzzard is fast, unlimited armament and the best maneuverability of the choppers I've flown and its a slightly smaller target than the others. Great in the mission Trash Talk, takes about 5 minutes and you don't have to leave the chopper. If you are looking for a transport for more than 4 players the Buzzard is obviously not for you. I've implemented the Buzzard into several missions and it sometimes makes missions too easy.

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My normal means of transport in GTA is helis


My personal preference is the Buzzard, even take out the guns and missiles.

Just find the Buzzard to be a lot more agile, faster, and more maneuverable than the other choppers.


Also to note: Why buy? They are always available at the heli spawn locations.

I have access to all the heli's but never request one. Generally if I need a heli, i just call Merryweather Helicopter Pickup or drive to the Vespucci Helipad or nearest heli spawn.

Edited by saiborg
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I bought the Buzzard, It's a good helicopter but I hate how it looks !


It's useful in missions but as you may know the NPC's aim is deadly even with a pistol or SMG ! I am waiting for the Hunter !

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