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Would You Got Hunting?


41 members have voted

  1. 1. If You Could Hunt Game Online Would You?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I Don't Know

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I went back and did the hunting mission in Story Mode and it got me thinking what If they added Hunting into Online like a mini-game like what you do with Trevor in Story Mode


I think it'd be cool if we could just park our car and walk into the wood and hunt moose/elk or deer or they could have like a challenge and see who can bag the most game in a certain amount of time or who can get the bigger bull moose or buck like a VS mission but instead of killing each other you are killing game


I always though it'd be funny when you're driving the back roads to or from Blaines County and then all the sudden a deer or moose would dart across the road.


It'd be a great way to build up your stealth meter


If they can't code it to let people just walk into the woods and hunt Instead of letting people do it in Free Roam make it like a mission of some sort or set it up like when they do a Gang Attack


What do you think?


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Legit Complainer

lol yes i would, but the hunting aspect in single player is already half-assed and mediocre as it is, so i can only imagine how terrible it would be online. and that's IF the animals didnt constantly disappear like the vehicles do. in red dead redemption, you could not only skin the plethora of animals in the game, but also sell their provisions. im slightly ok with that stuff not being in gta 5 since it isnt necessary, however the biggest thing pissing me off about the wildlife and hunting is the severe lack of animals. theres far too little. they felt like a pointless tack-on, just like trevor's hunting minigame, as well as almost every other side activity in single player that isnt mission related.

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Yeah, I understand how they can't put animals into free roam... but why can't we have Hunting Missions? Like how we have Golf or Tennis or Arm Wrestling......


It could be a 1-4 players thing


Or they should have a Wildlife Survival........ 1-4 players against waves of wildlife (cougars, bears, etc....)

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Or they should have a Wildlife Survival........ 1-4 players against waves of wildlife (cougars, bears, etc....)

But they don't show up on radar you have to listen and watch for them as they come after you from difference directions with the only clue is there growls kind of like in Far Cry 3

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