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Cant sell Adder anymore:(


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I want to sell my adder because i never drive it and it is just ugly, never liked the adder (i also dont like the bugatti in real life) but i had so much money that i just purchased one for fun. But the problem is now i cant sell it anymore it says "that i cant sell cars above 50.000" its weird because i can sell my entity and vacca or others cars above 50.000 but not the adder.. If someone know how i can sell it pls let me know!

Edited by GtaFiveLs
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Lol 'buyed'

English isnt my first language. Sorry

Edited by GtaFiveLs
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You said you cant sell it anymore.

Did you sell it once before? If so, you sold the original and the dupe will give you the 50k thing.

There's a way around that..

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You said you cant sell it anymore.

Did you sell it once before? If so, you sold the original and the dupe will give you the 50k thing.

There's a way around that..

Yes i duped it once and then sold one. I probably sold the original one.. Do you know a way too sell the duped adder?

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