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I sometimes pass by this unenterable casino near that one race track on your way going out to blaine county, and I'm wondering if they really will add gambling mini games. I'm surprised this hasn't been given more attention and it would be nice to hold people over untill hesit come out(if they ever do).

Edited by PKarco
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The Lonesome Drifter

Word of advice: your spellings gonna get a lot of hate.


But anyway audio files for the casino have been leaked since patch 1.08, so I say we have a good chance at a casino DLC.

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Word of advice: your spellings gonna get a lot of hate.


But anyway audio files for the casino have been leaked since patch 1.08, so I say we have a good chance at a casino DLC.

I was hungry as hell when I was typing this topic. Oh well, not like I can edit the topic title now. Besides, "Casionos" sounds kinda cool.

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I sometimes pass by this unenterable casino near that one race track on your way going out to blaine county, and I'm wondering if they really will add gambling mini games. I'm surprised this hasn't been given more attention and it would be nice to hold people over untill hesit come out(if they ever do).



Anyways they might seeing that they do have codes from RDR.

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I was hungry as hell when I was typing this topic.



This is fascinating! How does hunger affect your grammatical construction? Have you considered snacking prior to indulging in online activity?


I'm not mocking you, my hobby is nutritional analysis.


But to stay on topic, yes, the casino will be opening soon.

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Sounds like an exotic pet buffet.

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Besides, "Casionos" sounds kinda cool.




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Casionos? What's that an Italian restaurant




"Eya, you want some pasta ah? None of that frozen sh*#, come on down to Casionos. We got the authentic stuff. Ya' hear?"

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I hope the casino opens up soon, it only makes sense.


I have feeling that the heist DLC is gonna cost money though, it would be pointless for people to buy cash cards if they can do heists. That's why I unfortunately believe you will have to buy the heist package.

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Geralt of Rivia

I hope the casino opens up soon, it only makes sense.


I have feeling that the heist DLC is gonna cost money though, it would be pointless for people to buy cash cards if they can do heists. That's why I unfortunately believe you will have to buy the heist package.

I doubt it, since they were supposed to be in the game at launch.

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I hope the casino opens up soon, it only makes sense.


I have feeling that the heist DLC is gonna cost money though, it would be pointless for people to buy cash cards if they can do heists. That's why I unfortunately believe you will have to buy the heist package.

They better not do this, they advertised the game as having heists online so we payed for them already.

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Lee Everett

Now that I think about it, I can imagine people purchasing cash cards, then trying their luck at gambling, losing - and then doing a paypal claim to get their money back.

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Awh, they fixed the title.. :( I'd still rather have casiono's than casino's.

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I hope the casino opens up soon, it only makes sense.


I have feeling that the heist DLC is gonna cost money though, it would be pointless for people to buy cash cards if they can do heists. That's why I unfortunately believe you will have to buy the heist package.

They better not do this, they advertised the game as having heists online so we payed for them already.

Yeah I hear ya man but they advertised heists to be out when online was released and failed to fulfill that.

As much as it frustrates me, I can already see the heists being the first DLC you have to buy. And for these people saying R* won't charge for a DLC ever, well...let them keep thinking that and be very disappointed.


Ask yourself this question: Would you buy it?

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Awh, they fixed the title.. :( I'd still rather have casiono's than casino's.


You're welcum.

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I hope the casino opens up soon, it only makes sense.


I have feeling that the heist DLC is gonna cost money though, it would be pointless for people to buy cash cards if they can do heists. That's why I unfortunately believe you will have to buy the heist package.

They better not do this, they advertised the game as having heists online so we payed for them already.


I wouldn't be against it.


Think about it for a second. They want more money for online. Cash cards are there best bets since money is very hard to get. Heist would make that problem be half. So in order for them to continue in making money they would just release a $10 DLC that adds a new gun, cars, other sh*t and online heist. Then they will give a BS reason why it isn't free and those guns and cars are in Single Player. So it will force people to buy the overprice DLC if they want a complete game.

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I'm going to love when gambling/casino is open. Bust up in'da motherf*cker as the creepy Uncle T with the tux. Kick me out now for not wearing pants you cutscene bitches! 2.1billie on number 23. Spin it, spin it!


Edit: quick save before entering can't hustle a hustler..

Edited by Syphiroth
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The casino better be gangbusters and there better be horse racing and betting for JUPITER`S COCK`s sake.

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I just don't like to gamble so yeah, i don't really much like the Casinos.

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I just don't like to gamble so yeah, i don't really much like the Casinos.

You tight with your cha-Ching homie!

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I'm surprised this hasn't been given more attention


Really? :blink::p

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That casino has so much potential that it's f*cking ridiculous they didn't include it in the game. A casino heist would've been so much better than that Merryweather heist. Plus gambling high amounts of money would work so well with a money themed game.

How the f*ck didn't they include that? Or at least betting on horses at that horse track. I absolutely love this game.

Great graphics and gameplay, well-written story mode and the brilliant recreation of Los Angeles.

But why the f*ck did they delay it to "polish it" and get the best out of it if they didn't do it right? It could've been so much better.

Edited by univ69
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^ dude I agree.
It's a money themed game and we can't go to a casino? But they allowed gambling in SA and RDR? And they have audio files that reveal that the casino is going to be released eventually?

Oh, okay.....




I hope the casino opens up soon, it only makes sense.

I have feeling that the heist DLC is gonna cost money though, it would be pointless for people to buy cash cards if they can do heists. That's why I unfortunately believe you will have to buy the heist package.

They better not do this, they advertised the game as having heists online so we payed for them already.
I wouldn't be against it.

Think about it for a second. They want more money for online. Cash cards are there best bets since money is very hard to get. Heist would make that problem be half. So in order for them to continue in making money they would just release a $10 DLC that adds a new gun, cars, other sh*t and online heist. Then they will give a BS reason why it isn't free and those guns and cars are in Single Player. So it will force people to buy the overprice DLC if they want a complete game.

EXACTLY. You understand completely, and you think rational.

This is what they're gonna do, people are gonna complain, but still buy it....

That's where R* wins.
I can honestly say, I WILL NOT buy it. It's bullsh*t.


Don't double post, edit your initial post if you want to add something to it.

Edited by Raavi
Don't double post, edit your initial post if you want to add something to it.
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Geralt of Rivia

Baseless assumptions, baseless assumptions everywhere!

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I sometimes pass by this unenterable casino near that one race track on your way going out to blaine county, and I'm wondering if they really will add gambling mini games. I'm surprised this hasn't been given more attention and it would be nice to hold people over untill hesit come out(if they ever do).


Wow... I am kinda lost here.

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With the way things are looking for the heists, I wouldn't expect the casino until 2015. Absolutely ridiculous that in a game centred around money and robbery, there's no f*cking casinos or heists at launch (especially since they had 5 years to make this game, and for the casino all they have to do is copy and paste code from RDR).

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