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So today my entire garage got blown up..


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I was just minding my own bizznit in a public session, when suddenly a squeaker walks inside, sees Trevor's Truck, stares for five seconds and just shouts with all the air his squirrel lungs provide him 'f*ck TREVOR PHILIPS!!!!' and blows up my entire garage, all the cars..



Must've been his teddy bear?

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Don't know if OP is trolling or not, but I highly doubt he feee fiiii foee fummed your garage to death just by yelling into his microphone. But if he was in the corner where spot 5 is, he was a garage glitcher probably armed with an RPG. That's the new thing now.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Don't know if OP is trolling or not, but I highly doubt he feee fiiii foee fummed your garage to death just by yelling into his microphone. But if he was in the corner where spot 5 is, he was a garage glitcher probably armed with an RPG. That's the new thing now.

Really? And then they pay insurance on all your cars, right?


edit: just noticed this is in the wrong section, sorry for the bump

Edited by Pathum
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