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What do you wear while playing GTA Online?

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On a scale of 1-10 how dressed up do you get to play GTA Online?


What do you wear?

Does it coincide with how you play the game or match your player?

Do you dress like Trevor, Michael, Franklin or any of the other characters/NPCs?


I'm a collector's edition owner so I'll grab the Los Santos SnapBack cap and wear that while playing...




Even our favorite Non-Stop-Pop FM DJ Cara Delevigne wears the LS SnapBack.


But then I got this:




I figure I need a headset might as well get this one.

There is an army surplus store within walking distance so I may see what they have in terms of other gear..... ghillie suit, tactical vest, etc.

Also, any accessories you guys use to "enhance the experience"??? PICTURES!!!

Edited by scubadave
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I steal my neighbours washing off the line and wear that.


My neighbour's a bloke so it's not as if it's weird or anything.


BTW, your signature still has the SCUBADAVE badge on it. TAKE IT OFF.


I don't get dressed up to play GTAO that's ridiculous behaviour bro.

I just keep on what I'm already wearing so usually a leather thong and ball-gag.


of course, the question was meant for the weirdos that don't do that.


IMHO This thread is a bit stupid really. I meen you get dressed up for a game where no one sees you? Well in my case. whatever I put on when I wake up...


well what about xbones and ps4 livestreams? get ready for nextgen GTA 5.5


I steal my neighbours washing off the line and wear that.


My neighbour's a bloke so it's not as if it's weird or anything.


BTW, your signature still has the SCUBADAVE badge on it. TAKE IT OFF.



I have consulted my legal advisor who has advised me in his legal capacity that this logo is not a registered trademark so is therefore free for everyone to use.


I also have it printed on a t-shirt that I wear when frequenting these sacred pages and a tattoo off on my left bum-cheek.

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