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Fun people wanted!


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Hey everyone


I'm looking for a bunch of people (around 8) to join a crew with me and make videos of us all doing stupid and funny stuff.


I have both Xbox and PS3, but I would like to do this for PS3. If I have enough interest I will make two groups one for each console.


Things you must be/have:


  • Be funny and laid back
  • Be a good sport and don't take things too seriously
  • Have a clear and functional mic/headset
  • Be between the ages of 18-25

It would be a bonus if you also had game capture software to get alternate points of view. You can be a girl or a guy. I am from New Zealand so I game between the hours of 6pm-12am most nights. Make sure your gaming schedule overlaps with those times.


If you think you fit the bill and want to have some great fun, send me a PM.

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Greetings from yesterday.


I'm in est., but add me anyway. PSN Oswaltdevilwind, 25yo

I'm usually on anywhere between now, 8pm est., and 4am est.; depending on how much I end up drinking.


This sounds cool, though. I would be able to play those times on my Sundays, your Mondays.

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Greetings from yesterday.


I'm in est., but add me anyway. PSN Oswaltdevilwind, 25yo

I'm usually on anywhere between now, 8pm est., and 4am est.; depending on how much I end up drinking.


This sounds cool, though. I would be able to play those times on my Sundays, your Mondays.


Will do. Mine is slyolddogg.

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PSN: d05er_tri99a no capture card but I have a turtle beach headset just looking for some chill people to raid los santos with

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Hey everyone


I'm looking for a bunch of people (around 8) to join a crew with me and make videos of us all doing stupid and funny stuff.


I have both Xbox and PS3, but I would like to do this for PS3. If I have enough interest I will make two groups one for each console.


Things you must be/have:


  • Be funny and laid back
  • Be a good sport and don't take things too seriously
  • Have a clear and functional mic/headset
  • Be between the ages of 18-25

It would be a bonus if you also had game capture software to get alternate points of view. You can be a girl or a guy. I am from New Zealand so I game between the hours of 6pm-12am most nights. Make sure your gaming schedule overlaps with those times.


If you think you fit the bill and want to have some great fun, send me a PM.

psn- Anirudhrai007

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red rum could do with a ps3 player with a capture card... just a though OP :p

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6pm-12am could you convert that to eastern time? I'm on 5pm-12am everyday and Mondays/Tuesdays all day. I have a capture card myself, if this all goes through I'll use mine as well!


PSN: fvxxk---GH0ST

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red rum could do with a ps3 player with a capture card... just a though OP :p

Might be keen... pm me more details?

6pm-12am could you convert that to eastern time? I'm on 5pm-12am everyday and Mondays/Tuesdays all day. I have a capture card myself, if this all goes through I'll use mine as well!


PSN: fvxxk---GH0ST


5pm for you appears to be around 10am the next day for me.

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Marco veddi

Marco veddi add me on xbox im a scientist!!

Watch "CHUCK THE f*ck" on YouTube


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sweet adding everyone. I just gotta get a new component cable (dog chewed mine) then I'll invite whoever is online to sessions when Im online and screencap each session

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I have a Hauppauge HD PVR2 capture card, with a HDMI splitter so I bypass the HDCP on the PS3. I also have Turtle Beaches. Let's go.

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