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What's with the absence of mature adult players?


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Seriously, what is with the absence of mature adult players and a rather abundance of immature children, adults (which I hate to be racist but are usually black, it's quite obvious by how they speak and sound)

Is there seriously a reason for this? It seems everyone I meet on GTAO is a child and kills me. When I meet a nice player and invite them to a party? They're 12 or 13. Have only once recently met a mature adult, and he is rarely on. (Maybe once a week, and when he is on, I'm not on)

It's kind of depressing, to learn you are playing amongst children on a game where you can get a hooker, rape people, murder innocents and cops, and do everything that would basically cause you to go to jail for the rest of your life (IE: Crash a crop duster into a cargo jet and then crash the cargo jet)


I swear, even Battlefield is being taken over by kids, I remember when it never had kids!


Oh where oh where has the good days gone? Cartoons on TV are sh*t. And video games have been overrun with kids. Oh where oh where could they be....

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Seriously, what is with the absence of mature adult players and a rather abundance of immature children, adults (which I hate to be racist but are usually black, it's quite obvious by how they speak and sound)



So, you're upset about the amount of children and black people in GTAO? Wow, classy.

Edited by SIM-1
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In which instance do you get to rape someone?


Unless all parents stop letting their kids play games to keep them busy, there is nothing you can do, there will always be kids on games they shouldn't be on.


If they're annoying I just mute them, all there is to it.

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Blame the parents buying rated M games for children

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The worst are the little German squeakers in the DM lobbies. I'm American, my families heritage is mostly German, but these kids cannot shut up if their lives depended on it.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Turn off the chat and you'll never know the difference..

I take it you don't have kids yourself..

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Terrazi Terrajin

I never recall being able to rape someone in a GTA game.

Also you find nothing but kids online because the "mature" adults are all out at work during the day and can't be on as much as the kids/adults that sit around on the game like Jimmy.

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i refuse to play w children






well lets rephrase this. the ppl ive been playing with are in my age range. if a kid is playing, thats out of my control but i wont befriend them.


and i would never let my kids play this...

Edited by H8GodMode
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My daughter is 4 going on 5, and her maturity exceeds most of the 13 yr olds, you will encounter in the lobbies

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Parents use video games as a way to keep children occupied so they won't have to parent. That's why there are a lot of players that are 10 and under which is crazy IMO.


I'm sure some don't know what type of game GTA is but I MBA sure a lot know and don't care.

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My daughter is 4 going on 5, and her maturity exceeds most of the 13 yr olds, you will encounter in the lobbies

Seems legit

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Brock Elvis

Ever assumed people kill you because YOU seem like a childish player? It works both ways, most people cannot be trusted on Grand Theft Auto: Online. Hence people killing you in an act of protecting themselves while most of the nice players always die because of not being wary enough of everyone in the current session.

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But at least it's not as bad of Crap of Dooty

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i once encountered a REALLY young kid chatting. he was like no way older than 8 y.o.

i gave him a speech and told him he should not be playing this game. he went on to tell me how he gets bullied in school and i felt really bad.

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I used to try and play this game mature when I first started... not anymore, the idiots have broken me.

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i once encountered a REALLY young kid chatting. he was like no way older than 8 y.o.

i gave him a speech and told him he should not be playing this game. he went on to tell me how he gets bullied in school and i felt really bad.

I had an 8 year old call me the N word the other day.




True story

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Nowadays a 10 yr old kid will tell a 32 yr old man like me to go f*ck myself. It's happened before to me IRL. In my day you wouldn't even think about disrespecting elders no matter how old on any level, or you would get your little ass handed to you. These kids do not care today, and it's the liberal parents to blame. What I mentioned about that kid who mouthed off to me, I went to his parents, and you get the usual song and dance, " Oh my Jimmy is an angel he would never say such things ".

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Can the OP define what age they mean by mature?


i refuse to play w children


Insert Gary Glitter joke here...

Edited by am30
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Nowadays a 10 yr old kid will tell a 32 yr old man like me to go f*ck myself. It's happened before to me IRL. In my day you wouldn't even think about disrespecting elders no matter how old on any level, or you would get your little ass handed to you. These kids do not care today, and it's the liberal parents to blame. What I mentioned about that kid who mouthed off to me, I went to his parents, and you get the usual song and dance, " Oh my Jimmy is an angel he would never say such things ".

if a 12 year old told me to go f*ck myself, 29 or not, i would have slapped the sh*t out of that kid, then his parents.

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My daughter is 4 going on 5, and her maturity exceeds most of the 13 yr olds, you will encounter in the lobbies

I believe you.

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A few days back i heard this little kid about 5 or so making odd sounds on the mic and bugged the crap out of everyone with this annoyingly loud pinchy laughter and saying everyone where a bunche of fags with this kiddy voice, with her heavy breating father in the back laughing to.

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Famous last words: "I hate to be racist, but..."

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Nowadays a 10 yr old kid will tell a 32 yr old man like me to go f*ck myself. It's happened before to me IRL. In my day you wouldn't even think about disrespecting elders no matter how old on any level

Yes you did.


Every generation acts like the one before them was the best thing since sliced bread, and the next generation is sh*t.


Now you could make the arguement that with technology and media today, its more noticeable.

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