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GTA steam sale

iVoltScopez V2

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iVoltScopez V2

Should I spend the 10 dollars and get Vice City, III, san andreas, IV, and episodes from liberty city?? I'm just wondering because I've never played GTA on pc and think it would be pretty difficult. Not to mention I don't even know if I'd play the other games much aside from San Andreas and IV

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I just got GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, Bully:Scholarship Edition, and La Noir Complete pack for 20$, not bad. You guys think Rockstar is going to announce something soon or are they just randomly having a sale?

These sales are pretty much made at least 5 times a year, nothing big.


Definitely go for it OP, I don't even need to explain why.. except that all those games will net you hundreds of hours for that low price alone.

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