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We need surfboards and skateboards.


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surfing would be fun as hell if R* brought sharks to online. And as far as skateboarding why not I still use the BMX from time to time(getting rarer and rarer I'll admit) but its still fun.

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Would be cool but the actual mechanics would be hard to pull off


As far as skateboarding goes, not really. Rockstar managed to do it well enough in Bully.


Surfing I think, is definitely a bridge too far though. Hell, the last stand-alone surfing game I can remember being released, was way back in 2002 and nothing since.

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I disagree..it'll just end up like the bicycles and the other in-game items that are never used because when you TRY to use them, others wanna grieve. I'd rather they put things into the game that everyone would use (for the most part)

This. I think we need more game play features added *cough* heist *cough*. A skate board and surf board would be just like every other vehicle pack we've had so far.


Its appeal would wear off within a few hours IMO. I don't see anyon Jet Skin' or even driving around in water vehicles as it is.


Not even. That's the type of stuff that'll only appeal to a certain group, just like the MC DLC I keep seeing people talk about.


I'm all for the MC DLC IMO, they need more bikes in-game.


You know what we call bikers from where i'm from? Organ donors... lol. Jus messin... I wouldn't mind one of these...


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I disagree..it'll just end up like the bicycles and the other in-game items that are never used because when you TRY to use them, others wanna grieve. I'd rather they put things into the game that everyone would use (for the most part)

This. I think we need more game play features added *cough* heist *cough*. A skate board and surf board would be just like every other vehicle pack we've had so far.


Its appeal would wear off within a few hours IMO. I don't see anyon Jet Skin' or even driving around in water vehicles as it is.


Not even. That's the type of stuff that'll only appeal to a certain group, just like the MC DLC I keep seeing people talk about.


I'm all for the MC DLC IMO, they need more bikes in-game.


You know what we call bikers from where i'm from? Organ donors... lol. Jus messin... I wouldn't mind one of these...



No you're right, although most of the gore I've seen involving people with missing limbs comes from Brazil. I seen one video of a biker who was off his bike and it looked fine till you seen some pink string coming from the bike to his body..apparently his heart flew out of his body on impact and was still beating.

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YES, they need to add skateboards in! even if the only basic functions are ollies and a basic grind, soo much potential to have fun with that in this game

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If they made the physics like Skate 1 I'd be in but knowing R* it'd be like the Tony Hawks so I'd say no.

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Can I have a pogo?


Skateboard would be nice. Or how bout a trickstyle board

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I would make it my life mission to hit every skateboarding punk I see.

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