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Drop Tanks


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Creative interpretation of the title welcome here, but what was the best drop you made from a cargo bob and did you get any kills or cause wide spread destruction. What was the best reaction you got from dropping something.


The best I've had isn't much, just the discovery that petrol tankers are awkward as sin to carry, but offer a nasty surprise when dropped in the LSC pit at Rockford Hills.

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Creative interpretation of the title welcome here, but what was the best drop you made from a cargo bob and did you get any kills or cause wide spread destruction. What was the best reaction you got from dropping something.


The best I've had isn't much, just the discovery that petrol tankers are awkward as sin to carry, but offer a nasty surprise when dropped in the LSC pit at Rockford Hills.

Cool! I'm am so trying that tanker drop.. :lol:

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I think I'm one of the first if not few people who drop submarines on people with bounties on them.

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Dropping a submarine onto the Maze Bank tower.

whats the point in that?

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Cheer up Gtaocicat. Imagine the curious looks on the campers on the maze bank when something arrives that shouldn't be there (and then you slice them with your rotors (did that to a guy standing at the top of the crane near eclipse towers once when he tried to kill me)). Things don't always have to make sense, just be weird, funny, deadly or all of the above. What was the best thing you dropped from a cargo bob and did anyone say anything about it? :)

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Biggie Kaniff

The funniest thing I've dropped is a Dump. You know that huge yellow truck, you can buy it and get it as a Pegasus vehicle.


I had one friend in the drivers seat and one on the top of the Dump. The guy who just stood on it survived when we dropped it from high altitude, pretty awesome.


Also to carry a car up on the Maze bank and then drive it down is fun, too bad I never bought the Cargobob...

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Cheer up Gtaocicat. Imagine the curious looks on the campers on the maze bank when something arrives that shouldn't be there (and then you slice them with your rotors (did that to a guy standing at the top of the crane near eclipse towers once when he tried to kill me)). Things don't always have to make sense, just be weird, funny, deadly or all of the above. What was the best thing you dropped from a cargo bob and did anyone say anything about it? :)

i got blown up everytime i tried to pick up a tank with my cargobob so i gave up on that lol

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In fairness you wouldn't be the only one. If you can stay in the blind spot without the prey moving (as if they wouldn't move :rol: ) then it can be done. As an alternative grab the tank from the back of a tanker and see what happens when one tank meets another.;)

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Terrazi Terrajin

I dropped a tank user from the peak of chiliad and watched him roll all the way down the hard stone side of it, with no way to stop.

Also I have a custom deathmatch purely based around everyone getting in a cargobob, picking up a bus/coach and then using them as giant conkers to knock the sh*t out of each other with. Here it is in case anyone is interested in trying it out. (I also put boats in the small ponds because why not)

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The new Thug Fightz,but in a good way :)


I'm envious ;)

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@ gta4thewin. I never bought the cargobob either, I just fetch one from the merryweather docks they spawn frequently there, but you may have known that already

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Once upon a time..

I actually dropped a bus (the banana bus the be exact lol) AND the cargobob, (yeah I bailed out) on some hostiles guys on a roof of a building.

Both the bus and Bob landed without too much damage surprisingly, right next to them (good thing or bad thing, depends). While I parachuted away on another roof. Gone off the radar I sniped one of them.

Evantually the 2 others took the cargobob for a flight with the bus, heading my way... buuuuuut I had a grenade launcher :lol:

Then they were all coming down my building, so I called an airstrike on them and ran away.

Edited by FR_Player-One
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