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Forum Dr. Grove families. FDGF No inner-crew violence [PS3 & XBOX]


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We do all kinds of activities like hittin' the strip club in a limo, crew wars, off-roading, helping new players, missions, or just kickin' it with the crew on forum dr. I have my character around lvl 145 with everything unlocked and bought so I'm never too busy doing something else to help out the homies, however I can't "give you money".


I'd like to explain the rules a little bit the only one we kick/demote over is In-crew 187's. This is a very strict rule but at the same time there is plenty of breathing room. If you hunt down and kill crew members you don't know over and over/abuse your crew tag to sneak up on friendly crew members and kill them, you will be kicked. However if you and your friend get a case of the f*ck arounds and scored few kills on each other, it is completely acceptable. Don't worry about leaders kicking you over nothing.


We have many crew alliances that can be found at our website (listed below), so you can literally fill your friends list with friendly members/allies by using it along with the rockstar social club site.


Join today and have a ride along with your road dogs, hell shoot some ballas, smash some grapes, then laugh at those pussies.


WEBSITE: http://forumgangfam.webs.com/


R* Join: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/forum_gangsters_fam


FB: https://www.facebook.com/ForumDriveFamilies?hc_location=timeline

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f*ck my set nigga? I have killed the leader of Brouge ave. ballas a few times and my crew killed some of your dudes on xbox just for running they mouth. I'll post pics of your crew members dead if you post in this thread one more time bro, don't talk sh*t on here talk it on the game so you can back it up. PM me with your PSN/XBOX tag then talk sh*t pussie boii

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f*ck my set nigga? I have killed the leader of Brouge ave. ballas a few times and my crew killed some of your dudes on xbox just for running they mouth. I'll post pics of your crew members dead if you post in this thread one more time bro, don't talk sh*t on here talk it on the game so you can back it up. PM me with your PSN/XBOX tag then talk sh*t pussie boii

We kill your guys for fun. come at us bro



Oooops forgot one http://i.imgur.com/hrBbWud.jpg p.s. get a better crew.

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Awe man I was gonna compare stats with your leader on PSN and show you your crew aint sh*t. but your leader unfriended me (not sure why but probably for hiding purposes so I can't just join his game.) So that's out, then I figure hey i'll compare the crew leader stats against each-other on rockstar social club to show this guy his crew aint sh*t. Can't your leader changed his profile to private (so somehow even tho I'm his friend on there I can't see sh*t). Probably for the exact same reason (hiding). All my sh*t is public, everything you need to know to come after me is in my profile cuz im not scarred of none of you. tell reckful- (your crew leader) to add me back cuz he is like the only balla that is at least not a total douche bag fa**ot (i'll admit it I talked to yall crew leader before he a pretty cool dude id chill with him if he wasn't a balla). and add me on psn cuz I already sent you a friend request cuz. Long story short your a fake yardie bitch and i'm coming for you, f*ck your set!


~Penguin_565 I'm not mad cuz your hating, I need the hate, I thrive off it. I'm mad cuz you don't post your PSN with that comment so I have to go looking for who you are and how to kill you. [assassini99] you cant hide from me dogg.

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I'm down with grove street crews check the link ing my sig. all alliances are there.

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Oh because I saw u talkin about assassini99 he's CGOG I am too

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Oh don't worry even a little if your a balla I will hit you up what is ur game tag/psn straight up all day if I'm not working or drinking with friends im on gta bet

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I'm not a balla I'm from crystal gardens og's but my psn is Demetri_W2497

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