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Collingwood Rascals - Recruiting Now!

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Crew/Gang Name: Collingwood Rascals
About: This crew is aimed to work as a team to level up and earn money. We don't grief and are kind to each other. If you grief you will be kicked from the crew. When heists are added members of the crew will be given certain jobs, based on their skill. We guarantee you will have fun if you join.
Leader Contact: Email me at: [email protected], Tweet me at: @deathkivva, or add me on Rockstar social club at: Starvedarmy. My Skype is: xxbadasskidxx (I was 10 when I made the name, so yeah.)
Social Club Crew Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/collingwood_rascals
Platform(s): PS3
Games: GTA 5 ONLINE, Max Payne 3.
Timezone: GMT + 2/UTC + 2


Some more info: If you don't have a mic, don't worry! We can communicate via Skype group chat! If you are attacked by a crew member message me and I will kick him from the crew. If someone from another crew repeatedly attacks you tell me and we will wage war with them!



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