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Custom Air Races


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First of all, sorry to make this topic twice; I made the last one before the event weekend with extra air race payouts and mentioned it in the title. I didn't realize you can't edit the titles of posts, and thought it might be confusing to have that in the title of a thread that kept getting bumped.


My races so far (these are all for PS3):


Fly Low FM - http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/nLDnNn6rzEqjh_fOpBw64A?platformId=2


(Locked to Cuban 800) Retrace a smuggling route around the Alamo Sea in Cuban 800s. Stay low to keep off the radar and watch out for hazards on the ground.


Vinewood Sights - http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/9dmcE8JTlU-tmZC6jpXVTA?platformId=2


(Locked to the Duster) Take a tour of classic Vinewood icons in a vintage stunt plane. You'll get uncomfortably close to the Walk of Fame, the studio lot, and the Vinewood Sign, while a steep climb and drop give you cinematic views of the skyline


Thanks for the Mammaries - http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/PAJyajIsCk-EeK-HX96_wA?platformId=2


(Locked to the Mammatus) - 'Mammatus' is a type of cloud shaped like a boob. It's also the name of the plane you'll be flying around cranes, under bridges, and between two big, suggestively shaped gas tanks in this lap race.


[The above are from the last post. Below are newer races]


Emergency Landing - http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/weTBIaAqIkGSZt1P7iMHYQ?platformId=2


[Locked to the Shamal] A rainy night takeoff from Sandy Shores goes from bad to worse when equipment failure plunges you into Vinewood Hills. Dodge skyscrapers and try to regain altitude as you attempt an emergency landing at Los Santos International.


River Run - http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/ge6CVglPjkOEMvMgkWMyRA?platformId=2

[Locked to the Vestra] Quick figure eight course for Vestras through the canyons and valleys of Vinewood Hills.

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