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I need a new car


New Car  

116 members have voted

  1. 1. Which car should replace my lost Gauntlet?

    • Replace the Gauntlet with... ANOTHER Gauntlet!
    • The free Elegy, because FREE!
    • Bullet
    • Infernus
    • Turismo R
    • Baller
    • Phoenix
    • Other, add choice in a post

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So, last night I decided to call up my mechanic and have my Gauntlet delivered because I hadn't driven it in a long time and thought it would be a nice change. It's the car I had the longest, probably the third of fourth car I ever got, and I loved it, even if I didn't drive it much. I got the car, drove around a bit, fooled around a bit and got killed by the cops in a shoot out. The Gauntlet gets impounded and after a while I figure, OK I'll go get it out. No sooner than I got out of the impound lot the car explodes. Someone put a sticky bomb on it while it was in the lot, and blew it up, hurrah for being a pointless troll.


No big deal I think, It's been insured since I got it, but what's this?! No, of course it isn't insured anymore! Sitting in the #1 spot of my garage apparently took the insurance off, but it must have done this very recently because I can remember when everyone was saying that this happened and I went down and checked every single car to make sure there was insurance on it.


f*ck me right? My beloved car is gone, never to return, and I'm sure, never to be replaced by R* coders who couldn't fix one thing without breaking 10 others.

So now I have an open spot in my garage and I have no idea what to put in it. I'm trying to narrow down my choices so I'm reaching out to all of you for advice. Please vote for the car you think I should grab and if you want throw a reason or two in a post, maybe a picture to try and sway me.


I should tell you the garage does not have a theme other than "Cars I like to look at a drive" and currently has in it:






Bati 801


Saber Turbo





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I would say Bullet as the choice closest to what your Gauntlet used to be But it's really up to you. I like Vapid Dominator but of course its common as muck so not really worth storing, just stealing :evilgrin:

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@ Mikeol1987: I have a Dominator on my second character, but to be honest I kind of hate driving it. All the muscle cars feel like they are driving on a bed of marbles to me, but the Dominator has to be the worst of them in my opinion. And it is common as all hell, so, while I appreciate the suggestion, I think I'll pass on that one... May have to consider the bullet though.

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Turismo R cos Grotti and it's a new and improved Ramp 2.0

Edited by Gta-freak-VI
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Special Agent 25

Get another muscle Car, Either the Dominator or the Ruiner

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Your garage is seriously lacking in the offroad department. Get a clean/dirty rebel (your preference) and never look back.

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Edited by LightningLord411
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considering you have muscle in your sabre, and the garage is lacking super, go with the infernus, that, or off road.

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I said Bullet before I even saw you had no usable supercar, because it is nice to have them for the race you'll inevitbaly end up in and the Bullet can hold its own against 12 year olds who don't understand brakes in Entities...


But the Infernus is a fine alternate choice. So much so that its my current runabout freeroamer, in lieu of the Bullet. Both provide giggles when driven at high speeds, can perform admirably when called upon, and are unusual enough to be distinctive.

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Infernus because it's an Infernus.


On a serious note, it's the necessary companion to your Monroe + it's a less driven and good looking Super (virtually bulletproof rear adds to value).

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Love the style, I went with more of a Mclaren / Gulf livery as the Turismo reminds me of the P1




Back on topic, I'd get the Free Elegy first.

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Bullet with metal paint job the handling is out this world.


Not if you listen to the mouthbreathers on this forum, then its a glorified muscle car incapable of anything but sucking.


Here's the day I took the ole Turdismo down to the Vapid dealership to trade in on my new, err flat greeen?!!, Bullet.




The Bullet's a great freeroamer. Cheap to replace, fast as hell, looks sharp and because of mouthbreeders nearly unseen in the game. It can absolutely keep up with the top tier supercars in races, as well, once you learn its quirks. My primary character kept it as his racing super because its fun to beat 12 year olds in chromey spaceships with it.




(full disclosure, my current racing super is an Adder [non-chrome!], and I'm currently driving an Infernus in freemode because I wanted one, but when I'm tired of it I'm going back to the Bullet for day-to-day)

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Elegy for me. I've raced mine to buggery and it never lets me down. Just get on the brakes early in the corners (it doesn't brake too well)

Edited by LogScottWood
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Bullet. It has a special place in my heart also its a cheap super car that has a good speed and has a bullet proof back.

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