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Rooftop Rumble Lobby Glitch?


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Ok this has happened multiple times now, where I'll be hosting a lobby, then I will starting seeing blood splatter like I'm getting shot and it won't let me start the mission because a player is joining??? Wtf?

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It's someone's connection because it's not letting the connect to the game. It happened with me and my friends sometimes and my one friend has horrible connection and sometimes it won't let him connect and it effects us all because it makes us wait but if your on that screen that means your the one not connection and they've already started the mission and you're probably in the line of sight of the NPC's. It's annoying but atleast you still get paid if the mission is completed (Sometimes).

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Ok this has happened multiple times now, where I'll be hosting a lobby, then I will starting seeing blood splatter like I'm getting shot and it won't let me start the mission because a player is joining??? Wtf?


Usually, I see blood splatter when starting up a lobby and I'm in that half-state in the game and some 12 year old is trying desperately to gun me down.

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Yeah I got this too, saw blood splatter on the top of the screen, then couldn't launch the session until the time ran out even though it was full and everyone had joined. I also get it where it will launch with 4 players, but when the mission loads your on your own, and the other players have all separately started solo versions of the same mission.

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Yeah I got this too, saw blood splatter on the top of the screen, then couldn't launch the session until the time ran out even though it was full and everyone had joined. I also get it where it will launch with 4 players, but when the mission loads your on your own, and the other players have all separately started solo versions of the same mission.


That's timeout due to someone (yours, most likely) laggy connections causing everyone time out into their own mission during load.

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Yeah I got this too, saw blood splatter on the top of the screen, then couldn't launch the session until the time ran out even though it was full and everyone had joined. I also get it where it will launch with 4 players, but when the mission loads your on your own, and the other players have all separately started solo versions of the same mission.


That's timeout due to someone (yours, most likely) laggy connections causing everyone time out into their own mission during load.

That avatar...........


....makes me want a Hebrew national or Nathan's for lunch.

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