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Crew Loyalty?


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Ok, so I was invited to join a crew yesterday. I joined and proceeded to join up with a crew member. After trying to rob a store , he turned on me and killed me.All I can say is WTF.Obviously, this crew has an a**hole or 2 in it so I immediately left the crew.

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In a crew with a lot of people, there are probably always gonna be a few knuckleheads like that.. If you're on psn join the crew silent assassins we always stick together.. Another crew member and I were killin these two guys and then another crew member came from across the map to help us and he ran them both over haha

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Hey zfozzy, I will definitely look your crew up. I am on PSN

zfozzy which silent assassins crew are you? I looked you up and there are a lot of crews using that name.

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It's got like a green skull emblem with like a border and stuff.. The crew leader is zombies something I think.. And the only time I'd kill you was if you had a bounty and I'd give the money back to you lol

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Yeah this is a problem with all crews even small ones like mine [180-190 members] I have kicked 3 people so far for disloyalty. Everyone is chill now as far as I know.

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Hey zfozzy, I will definitely look your crew up. I am on PSN


zfozzy which silent assassins crew are you? I looked you up and there are a lot of crews using that name.

Also send me a friend request if you need more help finding it. my thing is zfozzy

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People always mess around but in general i try to avoid killing crew members, and we tend to just kill anyone that attacks a crew member.


If they knock me out my car, damage it, or punch me i always shotgun them to the face to keep em in line xD works great.

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zfozzy, found your crew and sent a request to join. Thanks

Thanks forumflamegang, I was unaware that this happens in other crews. I am fairly new to GTA online.

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Of course. Every crew will have a couple of dickheads in them because that is human nature.

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Of course. Every crew will have a couple of dickheads in them because that is human nature.


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Yeah every crew will have dickheads, my bigger crew that i'm in has a bunch of cool people, and one or two assholes. The small crew that i switch to when they're playing was just a bunch of people who have each others back that met through dealing with assholes. I recommend trying to find some cool people. It's hard, but when you do, it's worth it. B420, Blue Dream Team JFT is the bigger crew i'm apart of. My smaller crew is a secret :)

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well the crew i am in does have dickheads in it but only to non crew members lol

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I was so eager to join my first crew, I helped them find rare vehicles, I backed them up when they were in sticky situations. One day we were just fooling around in a invite only session and about seven crew members griefed me for 20minutes straight (killing me and running me over).I left the session and the next time I joined a crew session they did the same thing, so I just left the crew. I joined another one a few weeks later but they only asked me to join because I was better then the leader we did absolutely nothing together after I joined the crew. I just beat crew records on races and that was it. That's more/less why I'm taking a break from crews for now.

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I was so eager to join my first crew, I helped them find rare vehicles, I backed them up when they were in sticky situations. One day we were just fooling around in a invite only session and about seven crew members griefed me for 20minutes straight (killing me and running me over).I left the session and the next time I joined a crew session they did the same thing, so I just left the crew. I joined another one a few weeks later but they only asked me to join because I was better then the leader we did absolutely nothing together after I joined the crew. I just beat crew records on races and that was it. That's more/less why I'm taking a break from crews for now.

haha you rolled with a sh*tty crew. Mines know they'll get get kicked if they kill crew members but even if they didn't they got more courage then to keep going after a dude not even fighting back

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No arguements there, maybe I should have been smart and just left before they griefed me for 20minutes, but I figured it was just fun and games because they seemed cool when I helped them out but they weren't going to stop. One versus seven left me in no postion to fight back but one good thing did come from that experience though, I kill anyone who griefs me now no matter what.

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Used to be in a biker crew, we had no crew killers what so ever and had meetings at the clubhouse etc. Was quite fun, but then i got a life and gave up on that stuff. Now im in a crew made by a gaming forum ive been part of for many years, we have regular events where we play different custom game modes (busted, survive the tank, demo derby etv etc)

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well the crew i am in does have dickheads in it but only to non crew members lol

yeah me im loyal to my crew members but if you are not in my crew im killing you for the f*ck of it lol

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I would love to join a crew that is actually playing the game. I've joined a few crews but never seem to find anyone in my crew to play with.Kind of wondering is it worth it at all to be in a crew.Just saying.

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I would love to join a crew that is actually playing the game. I've joined a few crews but never seem to find anyone in my crew to play with.Kind of wondering is it worth it at all to be in a crew.Just saying.

If your on ps3 our crew members are always on 24/7 I can get on and at least have one bro on. I think its worth it to be on a crew cuz I like that rp boost for missions/TDM/races with crew members, but it is hard finding the right crew for you. I couldn't that's why I made my own haha.

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I would love to join a crew that is actually playing the game. I've joined a few crews but never seem to find anyone in my crew to play with.Kind of wondering is it worth it at all to be in a crew.Just saying.

what is your time zone

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In a crew with a lot of people, there are probably always gonna be a few knuckleheads like that.. If you're on psn join the crew silent assassins we always stick together.. Another crew member and I were killing these two guys and then another crew member came from across the map to help us and he ran them both over haha

Same with HTAG,we treat each other as Family & look out for one & another :cool:

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Eastern time zone PS3. I'm usually on after 4 pm.

play with us sometime psn s1ckn3ssvort3x
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