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Trolling mod power abuse - please help

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I get the impression that this forum is public, but clearly i'm wrong according to this troll who locked my one and only (very neutral) topic for no reason.




I tried to post a message on social club for my crew but couldn't write much due to the very short cap for messages, so I decided to link to this forum. Apparently I have to find somewhere else.


If I'm somehow missing something and I am not allowed to post messages for my crew in the Gang chat, please tell me where I would have to do so in order to not get my thread jacked.



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I don't know whether you simply overlooked it, but the guy isn't a moderator.

Edited by SonOfLiberty
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I don't know whether you simply overlooked it, but the guy isn't a moderator.

But I'm not exactly a hardcore user of this forum. I don't know what happened, but someone locked it and I see this trolling message so maybe he knows a mod and made that person do it - which is still abuse.


Anyway where am I supposed to post it then? It's not recruitment related or advertisement.

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I already PM'd you with an explanation after your first topic, but you don't seem to understand how things function around here.


If you want to advertise your social club crew, post messages for them, recruit, whatever, use Recruitment forum.

If you want to run your crew from GTAForums, use gang chat, make a topic for your crew, put a roster of your GTAF members.


Your topic(s) had none of that, so now they are locked.

You also need to read the pinned forum guidelines, and check some other big topics to see how things function, since you don't understand.

Edited by AndyGanteks
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You don't have to be a "hardcore user" (lol) in order to make an effort to understand how things work around here.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, the mods are generally very helpful.

There is no abuse of power going on here, you just need to try to understand better.

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Sorry things turned out like this. Harley was making a joke, believe it or not, and as we've discovered Andy was the one who locked your post for a legitimate reason.


He will leave a note in the future, as apparently you ignore your PMs

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