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Mentorship/big brother type of clan? Anyone interested? [PS3]


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I'm looking to start a clan where I recruit higher level player to mentor/teach/hangout with lower level players.. Ya know, teach em the ropes... Make new friends... Help people out... All in good fun.


I would like to make a list of high level players (by username and level) and a list of low level players.... (Not sure yet what the cutoff for low/high level is.... Maybe <70 will be considered low and 70+ will be high?) and we could have an mentorship thing going where low levels can request a high level to be thier big brother..... Or vice versa....


Idk I'm at work right now, and on a phone but I get off in like 2 hours, so I'll throw some more ideas around if anyone is interested

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I tend to do that when I'm running around without any useful directive or task at hand. If I see a low level, I try to get them some money or play a couple high level missions with them. RP and Cash payouts are crazy low for low levels.


Or take them to a strip club. Which I call "Boobs for Noobs"

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Alright, well I'm home now... Will probably be online within an hour or so.... I'll wait for some more people to wake up and see this... Hopefully some people are interested..... I'm not saying we need a full on clan or anything, but we could definitely use this thread as a hub to get things rolling... If anyone has any type of feedback, thoughts or ideas, let me know!

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I have always helped out new players since i've been able to only because I was new once and people helped me out. Gotta pay that sh*t back.

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How about a crew? The Welcome Wagon. All the high levels join and we collectively seek out low levels/tutorials in game. Likely that noobs won't even know about the forums, let alone this thread.


If you feel like participating that day, you go active under that crew.


And maybe have specialists within the crew, like car modders to hook them up with a car, Easter egg hunters to show then cool stuff, bodyguards, etc.


I'll be in charge of Boobs For Noobs.

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How about a crew? The Welcome Wagon. All the high levels join and we collectively seek out low levels/tutorials in game. Likely that noobs won't even know about the forums, let alone this thread.


If you feel like participating that day, you go active under that crew.


And maybe have specialists within the crew, like car modders to hook them up with a car, Easter egg hunters to show then cool stuff, bodyguards, etc.


I'll be in charge of Boobs For Noobs.

That's not a bad idea actually... That sounds perfect actually we can, like you said, create a crew of mid/high levels and we can seek out lower levels in-game and recruit, train, and show em a good time.... If they don't know, we could tell them about the forum.. We should be pretty active on social club as well... My crew now, the title mean nothing.. We could. Nice heirechy going with "specialist" in certain areas.... This could come out extremely legit.....

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It does sound like something that could go real legit. I'm at work, so hands tied right now, although I did reserve the crew name welcome wagon. No need to use it, but wanted to get it just in case.

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id be willing to help out..i can dupe lower level players cars and stuff if there looking for em

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I'd be interested in this, I am only currently a rank 48.

Psn: ThousandFangs

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